
What is back annotation in SDF?

What is back annotation in SDF?

Back annotation of the SDF file means you’re configuring the delays, setup/hold checks, etc. back to your netlist.

What is back annotation in PCB?

The schematic simply represents the components and their electrical connections. Since changes are often discovered on the layout stage, you’ll often find yourself updating the schematic to match your new layout, updating the data entries for the schematic based on changes to the layout is called back annotation.

What are the different steps in a typical ASIC or SOC design flow?

ASIC design flow is a mature and silicon-proven IC design process which includes various steps like design conceptualization, chip optimization, logical/physical implementation, and design validation and verification.

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Which type of ASIC design starts from scratch level and customized?

The production of a Block diagram. The packaging of the ASIC according to the required packaging requirements. The development of the testing procedures and the test equipment needed for the testing of the product.

What does back annotation mean?

back-annotation (uncountable) The process of updating the logical design of a circuit with physically measured values, to allow for more accurate simulation.

Why do we annotate components in a schematic?

Schematic Annotation. The Annotate Schematics command systematically assigns designators to all or selected parts in selected sheets of a project and ensures that designators are unique and ordered based on their position.

What is netlist in VLSI?

A netlist is a textual description of a circuit made of components. Components are generally gates, so generally a Netlist is a connection. of gates. A netlist can also be a connection of resistors, capacitors or. transistors, which is a netlist when used in analog simulation tools.

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What is elaboration in VLSI?

Elaboration is the process that occurs between parsing and simulation. It binds modules to module instances, builds the model hierarchy, computes parameter values, resolves hierarchical names, establishes net connectivity, and prepares all of this for simulation.

What is full custom ASIC design?

Full-custom design is a methodology for designing integrated circuits by specifying the layout of each individual transistor and the interconnections between them. Full-custom design is limited to ICs that are to be fabricated in extremely high volumes, notably certain microprocessors and a small number of ASICs.

What is SDC file in VLSI?

SDC is a short form of “Synopsys Design Constraint”. SDC is a common format for constraining the design which is supported by almost all Synthesis, PnR and other tools. Generally, timing, power and area constraints of design are provided through the SDC file and this file has extension .

What is the difference between SDF and SPEF?

SPEF is fed to STA tool to do post layout Static Timing Analysis. SDF is widely used for transferring the Delay information between tools. Normally SDF is used in Pre Layout Static Timing Analysis.