
What is Battle size in Mount and Blade Warband?

What is Battle size in Mount and Blade Warband?

Battle size determines the maximum number of troops that can be in a battle period. If it’s set to 75, and you have 100 troops, and your enemy has 300 troops, you’ll only get 25 troops while he’ll get 50.

How do you increase your troop capacity in Mount and Blade Warband?

The easiest way to increase your party size is by investing in the Quartermaster ability in the Steward skill line. Unfortunately there’s no easy way to cheat this and rapidly increase your skill level. Just make sure to invest focus points into the skill to increase the maximum level.

What is the max army size in Mount and Blade Warband?

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The maximum amount of troops on the battlefield is determined by a setting in the options menu, with a maximum of 150 total. the ratio of troops on either side is determined by the total amount in both armies and the relative tactics stat of both.

What is the fastest way to get renown in Mount and Blade Warband?

You can gain renown in a number of ways:

  1. Winning battles – The more the odds are stacked against you, the more renown you will earn, up to a maximum of 50 per battle.
  2. Winning Tournaments.
  3. Completing Quests.
  4. Holding successful Feasts (Warband only).
  5. As a female character, countering remarks from lords.

How do you increase your right to rule in Warband?

Sometimes you can gain infinite right to rule through a glitch by going to the leader of a faction you are at war with and asking to make peace. If he agrees and says something about a truce, you will gain right to rule, but at the next dialogue option you can choose the second option then repeat first step.

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How do I change font in Warband?

To alter your font size:

  1. In Windows, navigate to your \Steam\steamapps\common\MountBlade Warband\Data folder.
  2. Locate the font_data. XML file and right-click it, then choose Open in Notepad.
  3. At the top of the file, there’s a FontData parameter.

How do you get a bigger army in Mount and Blade 2?

The easiest and quickest way to increase your party size is by purchasing the Quartermaster in Steward Skill and focus on keeping your party morale up. You can do this by feeding your soldiers a varied diet and winning battles.

What is the max party size in Bannerlord?

Parties in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord are essentially miniature armies. While party sizes can be rather large – approaching 600 or more in number – they tend to be relegated to smaller amounts (anywhere between 50 and 250), especially in the early- and mid-game.

What does honor do in Warband?

Honor affects your interactions with other lords and causes certain events. A high honor can increase the likelihood of a mercenary accepting an offer, or of you being elected as marshall. In Warband some lords will like you for having positive honor; every 3 points in honor will increase your relation score by 1.

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How do I check my renown Warband?

To check your renown, you will need to click on the Clans tab on the bottom left of the screen. This will open up the Clan page, and you can check your renown by hovering the mouse over the Clan Tier in the top right.

How do you grow party size in Bannerlord?

How much renown Do you need to get married?

Meeting Your Partner. The easiest way to meet your partner is during feasts, which can be entered freely if you’re of noble birth. If, however, you come from a common background, you’ll have to prove yourself either by winning the accompanying tournament or by having at least 200 renown.