
What is best child investment?

What is best child investment?

Debt Funds invest predominantly in fixed income securities such as government securities and treasury bills. It offers returns similar to bank FDs and is suitable for your child’s future recurring expenses such as school fees.

Which is best investment PPF or sip?

A PPF is ideally suitable for only long term investments of 15 years or more. Thus, it is an excellent option for retirement planning, meeting your children’s education or marriage. SIP investment in a mutual fund attracts both, short term and long term capital gains tax.

How can I invest my minor child?

A minor cannot invest in India on his account. However, they can do so through a natural guardian (parent) or court-appointed guardian. Upon attaining the majority, the minor’s bank account must be changed, and he must have a cheque book requiring his signature. A minor can invest in stocks and mutual funds in India.

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Which is the best investment for girl child?

You can invest in Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY) only if you have a girl child below 10 years of age. SSY is a government scheme and the rules allow for the opening of a maximum of two accounts for two girls in a family. Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana can be opened in a post office or a bank.

Can kids invest in stocks?

Kids can invest in the stock market, though they need help from a parent or guardian. The only way for kids to invest is through custodial accounts, meaning that a parent or guardian must open these types of investment accounts for children.

What should I save up for as a kid?


  • Family vacation spending money.
  • School field trip spending money.
  • Homecoming expenses.
  • Extra sports equipment beyond the essentials.
  • Tickets to an amusement park.

Can I open PPF for my child?

There is no restriction on the age limit to open a PPF account of a minor. However, a PPF account of a minor can only be handled by a parent/guardian on his/her behalf until the account holder turns 18.