
What is Bola-Bola Filipino?

What is Bola-Bola Filipino?

The term bola-bola refers to the versatile Filipino meatballs. Usually made with ground beef or pork, they incorporate garlic, onions, eggs, soy sauce, and a variety of spices. These meatballs are used in tasty Filipino soups and are commonly served plain and enjoyed as a quick snack or a nutritious appetizer.

What does Bola mean in slang?

BOLA. Best of Luck Always (Internet slang)

What is Bola called in English?

bola in American English (ˈboulə) nounWord forms: plural -las (-ləz) 1. Also: bolas. a weapon consisting of two or more heavy balls secured to the ends of one or more strong cords, hurled by the indigenous people and gauchos of southern South America to entangle the legs of cattle and other animals.

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How do you make a bola bola?


  1. Combine ingredients for bola bola except oil. Mix well. Form every 2-3 tablespoons of mixture into balls. Deep-fry in Golden Fiesta Palm Oil until golden brown . Set aside.
  2. Combine ingredients for sauce except cornstarch. Simmer for 5 minutes. Add cornstarch . Stir until thick . Pour over bola bola.

What are Ikea meatballs?

About the Ikea recipe The meatball ingredients are pretty standard. They include ground beef, ground pork, onion, garlic, breadcrumbs, egg, milk, salt and pepper. However, weights in the recipe that Ikea released were metric, i.e., in grams.

Where does the name Bola come from?

English: habitational name from Great Bolas in Shropshire, named in Old English with an unidentified first element (possibly an unattested word bogel meaning ‘bend in a river’) + wæsse ‘land beside a river liable to flood’.

What should I serve meatballs with?

What to Serve with Meatballs: 13 Tasty Side Dishes

  • Mashed Potatoes. Mashed potatoes make a classic pairing with meatballs.
  • Red Roasted Potatoes. Potatoes make such a fantastic side dish because they are starchy and filling.
  • Rice.
  • Egg Noodles.
  • Udon.
  • Meatball Sub.
  • Corn On The Cob.
  • Ratatouille.