
What is code 17 on the action code for PSC deficiency?

What is code 17 on the action code for PSC deficiency?

rectified before departure
To be rectified before departure (code 17) Used for a deficiency which: should be rectified before the ship sails but is not serious enough to warrant detention, or/and can reasonably be rectified before the ship sails.

What is code 17 in PSC inspection?

Code 17 deficiencies are the most common deficiencies during PSC inspections. All the deficiencies with code 17 must be rectified before departure. A vessel that departs the port without rectifying the code 17 deficiency is considered to be an unseaworthy ship.

What is code 30 in port state control?

Combination of codes: A code 30 deficiency should in principle be followed by a code 10 (deficiency rectified), to indicate that the deficiency which is ground for detention has been rectified. If a detainable deficiency has been rectified by a temporary or provisional repair or substitution of equipment: Code 30/80.

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What should do you after you have rectified a deficiency before departure?

If a deficiency which is to be rectified before departure is verified by a PSCO as rectified before the ship departs it should be recorded as rectified. Safety management audit by the Administration is required before departure of the ship.

How does a ship master deal with a vetting inspector?

The master, whenever an inspection is announced to be carried out on the vessel, should prepare the ship according VIQ (Vessel’s Inspection Questionnaire). He has to show to the Inspector ship’s condition and crew’s certificates, also cargo papers and vessel’s records.

What are detainable deficiencies?

Absence, non-compliance or substantial deterioration to the extent that it cannot comply with its intended use of fire detection system, fire alarms, fire-fighting equipment, fixed fire- extinguishing installation, ventilation valves, fire dampers and quick-closing devices.

What are PSC codes?

Product Service Codes
Product Service Codes (PSCs) classify products, services, and research and development items purchased by the federal government. The IAE recently deployed changes to PSCs throughout the IAE systems.

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How do I close a PSC deficiency?

An outstanding deficiency can only be closed in the database upon physical verification by a PSC officer through a follow-up inspection. The vessel or company may request a follow-up inspection to verify that outstanding deficiencies have been addressed.

What is the difference between port state control and flag state control?

An State is called Flag State when the ships is registered in that country, the ships carries this flag. The Port State is any State with an international port. Those officers will inspect the ship according the international legislation and not according the national legislation.