
What is difference between documents and files?

What is difference between documents and files?

a file is a named collection of information that is recorded on some kind of storage device, while a document is a type of file that has been created by a particular software application, and can be manipulated by that application (e.g. a word processing document).

What is the difference between a file and a program?

Programs are collection of instructions interpreted by CPU. File is way of recording data or information in computer. These set of instructions are stored in a file. Types of programs include application program, system program such as word processors, operating system, database system, etc.

What are computer document files?

A document or document file is a description of an electronic copy or hard copy of reference material for a product. To write and create an electronic document on a computer, use a word processor or other text editor. Once a document is created, it can be made into a hard copy by printing it.

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What is difference between file and folder in computer?

A file is the common storage unit in a computer, and all programs and data are “written” into a file and “read” from a file. A folder holds one or more files, and a folder can be empty until it is filled. Files are always stored in folders.

What are examples of documents?

Examples of documents are sales invoices, wills and deeds, newspaper issues, individual newspaper stories, oral history recordings, executive orders, and product specifications. A document is a form of information . A document can be put into an electronic form and stored in a computer as one or more file s.

What are system and program files?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Program Files is the directory name of a standard folder in Microsoft Windows operating systems in which applications that are not part of the operating system are conventionally installed.

What is program file and data file?

When used as a singular noun, an application file or program file describes a file which stores the code to run a program. This type of file is commonly referred to as an executable file. Most programs have different types of files (e.g., DLL files, data files, etc.) used in conjunction with the executable file.

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What is the file in computer system give example?

There are different types of files such as text files, data files, directory files, binary and graphic files, and these different types of files store different types of information. In a computer operating system, files can be stored on optical drives, hard drives or other types of storage devices.

Is PDF a document file?

Portable Document Format (PDF), standardized as ISO 32000, is a file format developed by Adobe in 1992 to present documents, including text formatting and images, in a manner independent of application software, hardware, and operating systems.

What is file in operating system?

Files are used for all input and output (I/O) of information in the operating system, to standardize access to both software and hardware. Input occurs when the contents of a file is modified or written to. Output occurs when the contents of one file is read or transferred to another file.