
What is Esmeralda Santiago best known for?

What is Esmeralda Santiago best known for?

Esmeralda Santiago (born May 17, 1948) is a Puerto-Rican author known for her narrative memoirs and trans-cultural writing.

What is Esmeralda Santiago profession?

Esmeralda Santiago/Professions

Where is Esmeralda Santiago from?

San Juan, Puerto Rico
Esmeralda Santiago/Place of birth

What is Esmeralda Santiago’s husband’s name?

Frank Cantor
Esmeralda Santiago/Husband

What is the movie about Esmeralda’s life called?

Plot summary. The Hunchback of Notre Dame is set in Paris during the 15th century. The story centres on Quasimodo, the deformed bell ringer of Notre-Dame Cathedral, and his unrequited love for the beautiful dancer La Esmeralda.

What did Esmeralda Santiago want to be?

However, Santiago’s success did not come easily. She faced discrimination and economic instability as a newly arrived immigrant. She also helped to support her mother and siblings. Her dream was to fulfill herself as a woman and a person, discover her identity, and find her calling.

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Why did Esmeralda’s mother decide to bring Raymond to New York?

Plot summary Amid the drama, one of Esmeralda’s siblings, Raymond, gets badly injured in a bicycle accident. Esmeralda’s mother decides to move to New York, where she believes the doctors can provide better care for Raymond.

Why does Esmeralda want to be a model?

Because she hated her current school. Because being an actress had always been her dream. So that she could follow in her mother’s footsteps. Esmeralda is not accepted into New York City’s High School of Performing Arts.

How many children were in Esmeralda Santiago’s family?

eleven children
Esmeralda Santiago was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico and lived there until she was thirteen years old. In 1961, she moved to the United States. She was the eldest in a family that would eventually include eleven children.

How many siblings does Esmeralda Santiago have?

Raymond Santiago
Delsa SantiagoEdna Santiago
Esmeralda Santiago/Siblings

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How many siblings did Esmeralda Santiago had?

10 siblings
Called “Negi” (for “Negrita”) because of her dark skin, Esmeralda became a surrogate mother of sorts for the 10 siblings that came after her.