
What is hip hop music in English?

What is hip hop music in English?

Hip hop uses drum beats produced by a drum machne, and rapping, where the rapper or group chants or says words with a rhythm that rhymes. The lyrics of hip hop songs are often about the life of urban people in the big cities. Hip hop music also uses musical styles from pop music such as disco and reggae.

How hip hop has changed the world?

Hip hop has influenced society in a positive way expanding around the world-changing lives. Kids living in the projects needed some motivation to get up and follow dreams, and hip hop helped many of those kids. Hip hop started in the “boogie-down” Bronx of New York and expanded around the world.

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How did hip-hop influence culture?

This was the culture of hip hop brought. It changed the lives of young kids in New York and kept them busy. It steered them away from the violence that was surrounding their communities. The element of rap has had the most influential impact on American society.

How did hip-hop affect society?

Hip hop connects with fundamental notions of identity and purpose, but it also influences the decisions young people make about their lives, lifestyles and health, according to Dr Travis. Every hip hop song or rap song contains something that we can learn something that can help us grow, Dr Crooke says.

How has hip-hop affected American culture?

That is what the hip-hop culture is about. Coming together as one a creating something special. Hip hop gave that to the poor communities in major cities, allowed them to slow the cycle of violence and hatred. It was and still is a movement for expressing themselves and what they are going through.

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What is the purpose of hip-hop?

Hip Hop believes that people can take control of their lives through self-knowledge and self-expression. Knowledge influences style and technique and connects its artists under a collective Hip Hop umbrella.

How did hip hop affect society?

How has hip hop changed American culture?