
What is Inhand salary of South Indian Bank clerk?

What is Inhand salary of South Indian Bank clerk?

South Indian Bank Pay Level

Position Salary
Pay Level INR 11,765 to INR 31,540
Pay during the training period INR 3,000 (for 8 months)
Pay during internship INR 15,000 (for 4 months)
SIB Clerk salary (Basic) INR 11,765

Can I apply for both SBI PO and SBI Clerk?

Answer. Hello, Yes you can also apply for both the exams. Even If you are eligible for SBI SO you can also fill the same form.

How to prepare for South Indian Bank PO exam 2021?

Here are some general tips to prepare for the South Indian Bank PO exam 2021: Understand the theory behind concepts that need application of mind. Memorize the formulas and steps to solve problems. Solve a sufficient number of questions, solve until you feel confident about a topic.

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What is the difference between clerk and Po in SBI?

The basic working nature of clerk and PO in SBI is almost the same at the initial level. Just the difference is that the clerk handles primary transactions of banks while the PO of bank handles level up transactions. Like, if the clerk is supposed to receive cheques then it is the duty of the PO to authorize the cheque and clear it.

What is the job of SBI PO?

The SBI PO job is similar to like of that SBI Clerk job but not the same as he/ she is responsible for handling some high standard or you can say high meant clerical jobs. We will clear all your doubts one by one picking all your subjects simultaneously.

What is the salary of a bank clerk in SBI?

In a simple and short way, the clerk holds 20-25000 RS in hand salary while the PO receives almost the double of it. SBI offers its clerk INR 11765 basic pay while the PO gets additional INR 11935 upon it. The dearness allowances, HRA are almost the same to be given to SBI employees.