
What is it called when you fart under a blanket and trap someone?

What is it called when you fart under a blanket and trap someone?

“Dutch oven”, for the uninitiated, is when you trap a fart under blankets (or as one ex did to me—a big parka) then pull said blankets over someone’s head.

What is Dutch oven slang for?

A Dutch oven is a slang term for lying in bed with another person and pulling the covers over the person’s head while flatulating, thereby creating an unpleasant situation in an enclosed space. This is done as a prank or by accident to one’s sleeping partner.

How did Dutch oven get its name?

2/ English History The Dutch initially started producing their cast cooking vessels in the 17th century, creating a range of pots, pans and casserole dishes. Darby eventually in 1707 patented a casting procedure and named it the “Dutch oven”, thus explaining where the Dutch name originated for this cooking pot.

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Is the term Dutch oven offensive?

A “Dutch oven” is, on the face of it, not a derogatory use of “Dutch” as this usually refers to a heavy cooking pot with a tight-fitting lid, but is also a brick oven where the cooking is done by the pre-heated walls, and a metal shield for roasting before an open fire.

Why do Dutch ovens have legs?

A Dutch oven with legs is for outdoor use with coals or campfires, the legs help control the heat in the oven. They cannot be used on kitchen cooktops as the legs stop the heat from heating the Dutch oven. Using them in a conventional oven is possible just beware of the legs catching on oven shelving use extreme care.

What does it mean to Dutch someone?

: to go to a movie, restaurant, etc., as a group with each person paying for his or her own ticket, food, etc. We went Dutch on dinner.

What happens when you fart in a Dutch oven?

You being trapped within the death trap known as fart, breathing contaminated air that reduces the air to brain; are defeated by recycled air for the anal region. It’s called a dutch oven because you’re covered in the blanket or sheet so that the fart can’t escape.

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Why is it called a Dutch oven?

It’s called a dutch oven because you’re covered in the blanket or sheet so that the fart can’t escape. If he or she is evil enough to laugh as well as eat something foul; reconsider your relationship! lol

Do Dutch oven blankets help with flatulence?

A Dutch oven is a large pot with a tight-fitting lid. It is good for cooking things, meat in particular, because it traps heat, moisture and favors well during prolonged cooking. You can see how blankets would do the same with regard to flatulence.

Can you smell farts?

Let’s be honest… farting is rarely pleasant for your other end. Remember that when you’ve dealt it, the only way you’ll have smelt it is if airborne particles of the gas emitted (flatus) has meandered and wound its way up to your nose. This obviously isn’t terribly enjoyable.