
What is kleds weakness?

What is kleds weakness?

Kled is very weak against burst, heavy CC, and long range poke, which is why he struggles against ranged matchups.

How do you counter Kled?

Easiest way is to all-in him to the point where he dismounts and zone him from the wave so he can’t recharge his mount, and then call your jungle to gank because Kled is extremely vulnerable to this when he’s low, without the Joust or Ultimate to escape. Or play Teemo and Kled will suffer.

Why is Kled so good?

Kled is a great split pusher, able to use Titanic Hydra to efficiently clear waves and match enemy split pushers with an absurd amount of damage and chase potential. Late game Kled is almost untouchable, as most duelists will be unable to stop his ability to quickly remount and gain an advantage in the 1v1 scenario.

How strong is KLED?

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The strongest counter would be Kayle, a moderately diffcult to play champion who currently has a Win Rate of 50.83\% (Average) and Play Rate of 1.93\% (High). League of Legends most often picked champions vs Kled, this is often heavily influenced by champion popularity….

Win Rate Play Rate Ban Rate
48.8\% 1.4\% 0.39\%

Does KLED counter Camille?

Kled fights Camille in only 4.0\% of his games. Unfortunately, Kled does a dismal job of beating Camille. Normally, he wins a lowly 47.7\% of matches the champions face each other in.

How does Yasuo fight KLED?

Best Yasuo Runes to Counter Kled To have the best probability of coming out on top against Kled as Yasuo, Yasuo players should take the Conqueror, Triumph, Legend: Alacrity, Coup de Grace, Sudden Impact, and Ravenous Hunter runes from the Precision and Domination rune sets.

Does KLED beat sett?

Unfortunately, Kled does a dismal job of beating Sett. Normally, he wins a lowly 48.0\% of the time the champions face off with each other in. In Kled vs Sett rounds, Kled’s team is 0.0\% more expected to obtain first blood, implying that he most likely will be able to get first blood against Sett.

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Is Kled ULT unstoppable?

Chaaaaaaaarge!!! is Kled’s ult. This ability can also be used for running away since Kled moves very fast and is unstoppable during the charge.

Is Kled late game?

Kled is good in the early game and kinda falls off in late so you need to get fed and snowball. -In mid game, you are looking to either get even more fed, power farm and splitpush, or help your team.

Does KLED counter Fiora?

Kled is forced to battle against Fiora in only 2.8\% of his matches. Unfortunately, Kled has done a pathetic job of beating Fiora. Typically, he wins a lowly 46.2\% of games the champs oppose one another in.

Does KLED counter Irelia?

Kled has done a decent job of countering Irelia. Typically, he wins a acceptable 51.2\% of matches the champs fight one another in. In Kled vs Irelia matches, Kled’s side is 0.1\% more probable to get first blood, indicating that he probably will get first blood versus Irelia.

How much health does a KLED have in Skyrim?

Kled has 340 − 1530 (based on level) base health, which is not improved by sources of bonus health, as well as reduced base movement speed and increased attack range. Percent-health effects consider Kled & Skaarl’s combined maximum health, meaning that an unmounted Kled is always considered to be low health.

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What is KLED the yordle?

A warrior as fearless as he is ornery, the yordle Kled embodies the furious bravado of Noxus. Many claim Kled has fought in every campaign the warhosts have waged, acquired every military title, and never once backed down from a fight.

Who is Kled in the Odyssey?

Legends of the popular folk hero Kled can be traced back to the founding of Noxus, and perhaps even further still. He is an icon revered by the common soldiery, which is increasingly a cause of concern to their commanders—for there are some among the warhosts who claim to have literally served beside him.

Did general KLED fight in every battle?

Tall tales such as “The Great Hussar’s Victory”, “The Return of the High General Marshal-Sergeant”, and “The Mountain Admiral” abound, which strongly imply Kled has fought in every campaign ever waged, acquired every military title, and never once backed down from a fight.