
What is like to be a doctor in India?

What is like to be a doctor in India?

Satisfaction of relieving the pain, treating and curing the various diseases is unique to this profession. Long hours of work, sacrificing family life and personal interests are part of a doctor’s life. But it is also true that doctors are still respected by the society.

Are doctors happy with their jobs in India?

Satisfaction levels in practice Only 15\% Indian doctors, between ages 20 to 29 seem to be very satisfied at their practice. However, with age and as they advance in practice, Indian doctors seem to become more happy with their professional practice.

Is Doctor a good career in India?

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The career as a doctor brings with it monetary benefits as well as job satisfaction. There are diverse job opportunities available for doctors. They can join private hospitals, government hospitals, clinics as well as NGOs.

How is the doctor life?

Being a doctor and having the responsibility of many lives is even more difficult and exhausting. After addressing the emergencies, the physicians have office hours, which last six to ten hours per day. It is during these hours that they attend sick patients, and prescribe medicines to help prevent diseases.

Are doctors paid well in India?

During an MBBS internship of 1 year, trainee doctors can earn 15 to 20 thousand rupees. If there is a Junior Resident Doctor in a good government hospital, then the earnings range from 60 to 90 thousand rupees. Whereas after doing MBBS, the initial package of doctors is around Rs 6 lakh annually.

Why do so many Indians want to become doctors?

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While medical school is expensive, the payoff is more than reasonable. There is almost no risk involved: there is a shortage of doctors (and thus many jobs available), doctors are well-compensated, and they are highly respected in society.

Are doctors happy with their jobs?

About half of the physicians said they were Very Satisfied or Extremely Satisfied with their jobs. For example, 48\% of the doctors in private practice and 50\% of those working in hospitals said they were Very Satisfied or Extremely Satisfied with their jobs.

What is the daily life of a doctor?

Raja and Stein note, it also includes daily living activities, such as meeting household needs, which involves shopping for groceries, doing the laundry, cleaning, and paying bills. Research shows that physicians work an average of 51.4 hours a week, with nearly 1 in 4 (23.5\%) working 61–80 hours each week.