
What is mean by non uniform motion?

What is mean by non uniform motion?

If the speed of an object moving along a straight line keeps changing, its motion is called non – uniform.

What is non uniform speed with example?

Non-uniform speed:Motion of bike in city or busy roads. If a vehicle is moving on a circular path with uniform speed , then its velocity is said to be non – uniform , Was this answer helpful?

What are the examples of non uniform circular motion?

Complete solution step-by-step:

Non-uniform Circular motion Uniform Circular motion
Example: Motion of a body on vertical circle, vertical circle with a string and bob, roller coaster, etc. Example: Motion of the Earth around the Sun, second, minute and hour hands of watch, motion of cyclists on a circular track etc.
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What is non-uniform motion Class 7?

The type of motion in which the object travels with a varied speed is called Non-Uniform Motion. This means that the object does not cover the equal distance in equal time intervals. If the motion is not consistent in the case of rectilinear motion, the acceleration of the body will be non-zero.

What is uniform motion example?

If an object is travelling with uniform motion, it is moving in a straight line at a constant speed. For example, when a car travels at a constant speed, the driving force from the engine is balanced by the resistive forces such as air resistance and frictional forces in the car’s moving parts.

What is uniform and non uniform speed give examples also?

Difference between uniform and non-uniform motion

Uniform Motion Non-Uniform Motion
For example : If a car covers equal distance of 500m in the interval of 2 minutes. For example : Motion of car on a crowded road when it covers unequal distance in equal interval of time.
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What is non uniform velocity Class 7?

Non-uniform Velocity : When an object covers unequal distances in equal intervals of time in a specified direction.

What is non-uniform motion class 9?

Definition: This type of motion is defined as the motion of an object in which the object travels with varied speed and it does not cover same distance in equal time intervals, irrespective of the time interval duration.

What is non-uniform circular motion class 12th?

Non-uniform circular motion is a circular motion when the speed of the body doesn’t remain constant. The body has both normal as well as tangential acceleration.

What is non uniform motion class 9?

Uniform and Non Uniform Motion Uniform motion – When body travels equal distances in equal intervals of time. Example: Non-uniform Motion – When body travels unequal distances in equal intervals of time.

What is uniform and non uniform motion class 9?

If the speed of an object moving along a straight line keeps changing, its motion is called non – uniform. An object moving along a straight line with a constant speed is said to be in uniform motion.

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What is the example of non-uniform acceleration?

For example, if a car traveling along a straight road increases its speed by unequal amounts in equal intervals of time, then the car is said to be moving with non-uniform acceleration.