
What is meant by flat off?

What is meant by flat off?

flat discount is final discount given by the seller on grand total mostly for the purpose of rounding off. on the other hand off discount refers to something being sold at a price lower then that item normally sold for.

What is meant by flat 30\% off?

Flat Discount means final discount given by a seller on grand total, mostly for the purpose of rounding off. …

What does it mean when a guy calls you flat?

One of the definitions of flat is “lacking in emotion.”[1] It can also mean “dull, lifeless,uninteresting, and without energy.”[1] In other words, someone’s argument is simply a recitation of tired points, or otherwise is either devoid of emotion or simply lacks the power to convince anyone of anything.

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What is upto discount?

While some say upto x\% Flat \% means he gives that percent discount on every product (except new arrivals (talking about dresses) Upto means the percentage of discount maximum value is X.

What does up to 50\% off mean?

You could say, “Save up to 50\%”, or “Up to 50\% off” and it would mean the same thing. As someone noted, be careful of any add that says “up to” 50\% off. The only thing that statement actually promises is that they won’t give you a discount of more than 50\%.

What is the meaning of 50 off?

—used to say that something is being sold at half the original price Peaches are half off today.

What does flat mean in slang?

(slang) Describing certain features, usually the breasts or buttocks, that are extremely small or not visible at all. That girl is completely flat on both sides.


What does stay flat mean?

1 to stay behind or in the same place.

How do you take 75\% off?

How to figure out percentages

  1. Enter the original price into our percent off calculator.
  2. Determine the percentage discount – in our example store, everything is 75\% off.
  3. The sum that stays in your pocket – your savings – is simply these two values multiplied by each other: 75\% * $5000 = 0.75 * $5000 = $3750 .

What does 20 percent off mean?

A percent off of a product means that the price of the product is reduced by that percent. For example, given a product that costs $279, 20\% off of that product would mean subtracting 20\% of the original price from the original price. For example: 20\% of $279 = 0.20 × 279 = $55.80. $279 – $55.80 = $223.20.

How do you get a 15 discount?

How much is 15 percent off?

  1. Divide your original number by 20 (halve it then divide by 10).
  2. Multiply this new number by 3.
  3. Subtract the number from step 2 off of your original number.
  4. You’ve just found your percentage off!
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