
What is meant by sub par?

What is meant by sub par?

: below par: such as. a : below a usual or normal level or standard subpar attendance a subpar performance Why would a major football school fire a successful coach following a single subpar season?—

What is sub par in golf?

Something that’s “subpar” bad. It’s performing below average, or worse than usual. However, in the game of golf, coming in “under par” is good. That means you’ve completed the course in fewer strokes than the standard.

Why does sub par mean bad?

“Below par” (or “under par”) in golf means getting round the course in less strokes than the “standard” score. So, that’s a better score than a par score. However, in most contexts, “below par” is a bad thing because it’s below the normal standard expected. “Par” was in use before the game golf was invented.

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Is sub par one word or two?

below an average, usual, or normal level, quality, or the like; below par: This month his performance has been subpar.

What’s another word for below average?

In this page you can discover 11 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for below-average, like: , inferior, subpar, below-par, poor, second-rate, low-grade, substandard, above-average, and null.

Is above par good or bad?

The NOAD reports that below the par (or under the par) means “worse than is usual or expected”, while above the par means “better than is usual or expected”.

Is above par meaning?

Above par is a term used to describe the price of a bond when it is trading above its face value. A bond usually trades at above par when its income distributions are higher than those of other bonds currently available in the market.

Is it better to be above par or below par?

What is a bogey in golf?

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A Bogey means one over par. Birdie: In the 19th century, the term “bird” was the equivalent of “cool” or “excellent” – golf scholars believe this is where the term came from. The meaning being a score of one under par. Eagle: American in origin, this play on birdie essentially upped the stakes.

Is 3 under par good?

And every hole on a golf course is rated as either a par-3, a par-4 or a par-5 (par-6 holes also exist, but they are rare). A very good golfer — or a very lucky golfer — might complete a hole in fewer strokes than the par (called “under par”). A double eagle (very rare) is 3-under par (also called an “albatross”).

What does Pars stand for?


Acronym Definition
PARS Private Advanced Radio Service
PARS Property Accountability Record System
PARS Problem Action Result Statements
PARS Performance Analysis Reporting System