
What is NFS project?

What is NFS project?

In 2012, the Ministry of Defence and DoT conceptualized a network to connect critical defence locations, under the Network for Spectrum (NFS) project.

What is NFS in communication?

Network File System (NFS) is a distributed file system protocol originally developed by Sun Microsystems (Sun) in 1984, allowing a user on a client computer to access files over a computer network much like local storage is accessed.

What is NFS in Indian Army?

Network For Spectrum (NFS) has been planned as an Exclusive Optical Fibre based ‘Nationwide Communication Network’ for Defence Services. This will be a Countrywide Secure, Multi service and Multi protocol Converged Next Generation Network based on Exclusive and Dedicated Tri-services Optical Transport Backbone.

What is Defence communication network?

What is a Defence Communication Network? Ans. A strategic, highly secure and scalable system that has a pan-India reach and enable the army, air force, navy and the Special Forces Command to share situational awareness for a faster decision-making process is called the Defence communication Network.

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What does NFS stand for in food?

not further specified
NFS = not further specified. NS = not specified. Food codes with NFS, NS, quantity not specified, or guideline amount per… in the measure description are used when the amount of food eaten is not known.

What is the meaning of NSF?

non-sufficient funds
The term “non-sufficient funds” (NSF), or “insufficient funds,” refers to the status of a checking account that does not have enough money to cover transactions.

What is communication network Upsc?

Communication networks described as an interconnection of communicating through electronic gadgets like computers, laptops, mobiles, telephones which enables executives to transmit important and secret information of all other sectors including voice, data, video, and internet networks.