
What is non priority sector in banking?

What is non priority sector in banking?

Non-Priority Sector lending is the sector towards which financial institutions are always ready to lend credit. It attracts finance every time. It covers all the remaining sectors which are other than PSL.

What is the difference between priority sector and non priority sector?

The NPAs in the Priority sector constitutes one fifth of the Total Gross NPAs in the Banking Sectors. All the remaining sectors other than the Priority Sectors fall under this category. The defaulters are more in Non priority sector lending when compared to the Priority Sector Lending.

What are the priority sectors in banking?

RBI guidelines for priority sector lending by Regional Rural Banks

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Categories Targets
Total Priority Sector 75 per cent of ANBC or CEOBE whichever is higher; However, lending to Medium Enterprises, Social Infrastructure and Renewable Energy shall be reckoned for priority sector achievement only up to 15 per cent of ANBC.

What is Priority Sector Lending give examples?

Introduction to Priority Sector Lending (PSL) Priority Sectors Lending is the role exercised by the RBI to banks, imploring them to dedicate funds for specific sectors of the economy like agriculture and allied activities, education and housing and food for the poorer population.

Which sector is not included in priority sector?

Housing loans to banks’ own employees will not be eligible for classification under the priority sector. Since Housing loans which are backed by long term bonds are exempted from ANBC, banks should not classify such loans under priority sector.

Is PSL applicable to NBFC?

Clarification: The Master Directions on Priority Sector Lending, 2020 under para 21, 22, 23 allows banks to classify as PSL its lending to NBFCs including HFCs and NBFC-MFIs and other MFIs (Societies, Trusts etc.)

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How many categories are there in PSL?

Master Directions

Categories Domestic commercial banks (excl. RRBs & SFBs) & foreign banks with 20 branches and above Small Finance Banks
Total Priority Sector 40 per cent of ANBC as computed in para 6 below or CEOBE whichever is higher 75 per cent of ANBC as computed in para 6 below or CEOBE whichever is higher.

What does PSL stand for in banking?

The Priority Sector Lending (PSL) guidelines issued by Reserve Bank of India were last reviewed for Commercial Banks in April 2015 and for UCBs in May 2018 respectively.

Which one of the following categories does not comes under priority sector?

Housing loans to banks’ own employees are not eligible for classification under priority sector.

What do you mean by PSL?

PSL is short for Pumpkin Spice Latte, a coffee-based drink sold at and popularized by Starbucks in the fall. The latte is seasoned with pumpkin spice, which features ingredients and flavors associated with fall.