
What is NSO in SRM University?

What is NSO in SRM University?

All students, in their first year of B. programme are required to register for two semesters of extra curricular activity like National Service Scheme (NSS), National Sports Organization (NSO) or National Cadet Corps (NCC). Clearing this is a pre-requisite to getting the degree.

Is NCC available in SRM University?

National Cadet Corps The NCC cadets actively participate in the Independence Day and Republic Day celebration in the campus. The NCC unit at SRM Institute of Science and Technology (formerly known as SRM University) functioning under the guidance of Associate NCC Officer – Lt P.

What is NSS SRM?

National Service Scheme popularly known as NSS, the scheme was launched in Mahatma Gandhi Centenary year 1969 and aimed at developing student’s personality through community service. The overall objective of National Service is educational. This objective is attained through the service to the community.

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What do we do in NSO?

NSO or the National Science Olympiad is a competitive exam conducted each year for school students by the Science Olympiad Foundation. The Olympiad helps them to judge their academic progress by giving them the chance of competing with students from all over the country.

What is NSO in Iitb?

The Government of India, through its National Sports Organization, provides a scheme in all IITs, where all incoming, i.e. first year students, must sign up for a particular sport, and undergo training. The NSO training functions two evenings a week, and each session stretches to a couple of hours. …

What is the student in NSS known as?

NSS volunteer
What is the student in NSS known as? NSS volunteer.

What is meant by NSS special camp Programme *?

Special Camping has been conceived as an opportunity to live with that community for 7 days, and experience the conditions and problems of the people. The NSS volunteers need to be inspired to take initiatives for the improvement of their condition.