
What is open drain in stm32?

What is open drain in stm32?

Open-drain output configuration is nothing but the top PMOS transistor is deactivated as shown in Figure1. When the transistor is ON, the pin pulled to the ground. When the transistor is OFF, the drain of the transistor will be floating or open. That’s the reason it is called an open drain.

What is open drain GPIO?

Open-drain outputs are useful when multiple gates or pins are connected together, such as with the I2C bus. When a device is not using the bus, the open-drain output is in high-impedance mode and the voltage level is pulled high by the pull-up resistor.

Why is it called open drain?

The term “open drain” means there’s a current sink, but on a FET device, for example, a MOSFET. The transistor will switch to ground when it’s active, thus “sinking” current (i.e., connecting to ground and thus current is shunted to ground for “recycling” in the ground plane).

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What is push-pull vs open drain?

While a push-pull sensor has two MOSFETs that alternately conduct to provide high or low output signals, an open drain sensor has only one MOSFET. When a magnetic field turns the open-drain sensor on, the MOSFET conducts, allowing current to sink through the pull-up resistor to ground.

What is open drain I2C?

The Open Drain. A defining characteristic of I2C is that every device on the bus must connect to both the clock signal (abbreviated SCL) and the data signal (abbreviated SDA) via open-drain (or open-collector) output drivers.

What is open drain and wired or?

Open-collector/open-drain is a circuit technique which allows multiple devices to communicate bi-directionally on a single wire. Many devices can be attached to the signal wire. If all devices attached to the wire are in their non-active state, the pull-up will hold the wire at a high voltage.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of deep open drains and pipe drains?

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Open Drainage System

  • Cost. Unlined open drainage systems are easier and less expensive to set up than covered piping.
  • Surface Drainage.
  • Maintenance.
  • Expensive.
  • Maintenance.
  • Can Contaminate Bodies of Water.