
What is PCL property?

What is PCL property?

PCL Property Group identifies and secures, on behalf of its investors, residential properties within the PCL market. We search the market daily to identify undervalued assets, either on or off-market.

What does investor buyers only mean?

What does “investors only” mean on a real estate ad? It usually means there are tenants in-place, with a lease that won’t be ending before close-of-escrow. You can only buy it as an investment, not to move into at close.

What does AD mean in real estate?

Accessory Dwelling Unit. Ad valorem. Latin meaning “according to value”; normally used to describe a tax based on the assessed value of real property.

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What does SPD stand for in real estate?

Seller’S ProPertY DIScloSUre StAtemeNt SPD.

What does STR stand for in real estate?

Are you considering investing in a short term rental (STR for short)?

Why do home sellers want cash only?

The main reason sellers list a property as cash only is it’s not in any condition that a bank would approve financing. The home may be completely distressed or just have features that the seller knows a bank wouldn’t approve of and they don’t want to put the money into it to fix it.

What makes property Unmortgageable?

Properties become unmortgageable for many reasons: The previous owner allowed it to fall into disrepair, the banks are tightening their criteria, or the property does not meet the necessary requirements to take out a loan. But if you see promise in the property you do not have to let it go to waste.

What does SFR mean in real estate?

single family rental
A single family rental (SFR) is a property intended for at least one, but possibly more, family units that may also include private amenities, like a private fitness center or lagoon.

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What is SPD and CAD?

SPD’s Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system consists of a set of servers and software deployed on dedicated terminals in the 9-1-1 center, on SPD computers, as an application on patrol vehicles’ mobile data computers (MDCs), and on some officers’ smart phones.

What happens if seller does not disclose?

If a seller fails to disclose, or actively conceals, problems that affect the value of the property; they are violating the law, and may be subject to a lawsuit for recovery of damages based on claims of fraud and deceit, misrepresentation and/or breach of contract.