
What is Pheretima Posthuma?

What is Pheretima Posthuma?

Pheretima Posthuma is a species of earthworm belonging to the Megascolecidae Family. Earthworms belonging to the Megascolecidae Family are found primarily in portions of Southeast Asia, such as India, as well as parts of Oceania and North America.

What are characteristics of earthworms?

Earthworms are soft-bodied, segmented worms, usually pink, brown or red in color and only a few inches long. They burrow deep in the ground during the day and resurface at night to feed.

Is Pheretima a hermaphrodite?

Species belonging to the genus Pheretima have a clitellum, which is a band of glandular tissue present on segments 14 to 16. Individuals are hermaphroditic and reproduction can be either sexual or parthenogenetic. Female genital pores lie on the ventral surface of segment 14.

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What is the classification of earthworms?

Earthworm/Scientific names

What is the class of Pheretima?


Is Pheretima an omnivore?

They are nocturnal and omnivorous. The undigested food moves through the anus and forms heaps of pellets known as worm castings. They are fossorial.

What characters are used to identify the earthworms?

The earthworms can be identified using the following characteristics:

  • Long and cylindrical narrow body.
  • Bilateral symmetry.
  • It is light brown in colour with purple tinge at the anterior end.
  • The division of body into many segments or metameres.
  • The dorsal surface of the body is marked by a dark mid dorsal line.

What are the blood glands in Pheretima?

what are blood glands in pheretima? The blood glands are located in the 4th, 5th and 6th segments. These blood glands produce blood cells and haemoglobin. The blood glands are phagocytic in nature.

How do you identify earthworms?

When determining the colour of an earthworm, make sure that you are looking at the dorsal side (back side) of the earthworm. (The ventral side of most earthworms is colourless, and thus cannot be used in identification.) Pay particular attention to the colour between the head and the clitellum.

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What is a earthworms family?

Family: Lumbricidae The common earthworm belongs to Lumbricidae which is one of the largest earthworm family. About 33 species of earthworms are identified under this family. Genus: Lumbricus. Species: Terrestris.

What are blood glands in Pheretima?