
What is PHP alternative syntax?

What is PHP alternative syntax?

PHP offers an alternative syntax for some of its control structures; namely, if , while , for , foreach , and switch . In each case, the basic form of the alternate syntax is to change the opening brace to a colon (:) and the closing brace to endif; , endwhile; , endfor; , endforeach; , or endswitch; , respectively.

Which language uses endif?

In the C Programming Language, the #endif directive closes off the following directives: #if, #ifdef, or #ifndef. When the #endif directive is encountered, preprocessing of the opening directive (#if, #ifdef, or #ifndef) is completed.

What is a PHP statement?

Introduction ¶ Any PHP script is built out of a series of statements. A statement can be an assignment, a function call, a loop, a conditional statement or even a statement that does nothing (an empty statement). Statements usually end with a semicolon. A statement-group is a statement by itself as well.

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How many Elseif can you use in PHP?

There are about 50 else if statements in the code. I always pass a POST Parameter cmd to my ajax. php file and check if the variable is set and execute different code depending on the variable content.

What does endif mean in pseudocode?

The endif command is used to terminate a multiple line if command. The command can either be specified as a single word, ‘endif’ or as two separate words, ‘end if’.

What does colon mean in PHP?

Scope Resolution Operator
Introduction. In PHP, the double colon :: is defined as Scope Resolution Operator. It used when when we want to access constants, properties and methods defined at class level. When referring to these items outside class definition, name of class is used along with scope resolution operator.

What is the meaning of endif in pseudocode?

What is endif in C++?

The #if directive, with the #elif, #else, and #endif directives, controls compilation of portions of a source file. If the expression you write (after the #if) has a nonzero value, the line group immediately following the #if directive is kept in the translation unit.

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What are the 5 PHP operators?

PHP Operators

  • Arithmetic Operators.
  • Logical or Relational Operators.
  • Comparison Operators.
  • Conditional or Ternary Operators.
  • Assignment Operators.
  • Spaceship Operators (Introduced in PHP 7)
  • Array Operators.
  • Increment/Decrement Operators.

What are the 4 PHP condition statements?

In PHP we have the following conditional statements: if statement – executes some code if one condition is true. if…else statement – executes some code if a condition is true and another code if that condition is false. if…elseif…else statement – executes different codes for more than two conditions.

Does else if execute after if?

With the if/else statement, the program will execute either the true code block or the false code block so something is always executed with an if/else statement.

Can you have an if statement inside an if statement php?

PHP If-Elseif-Else Statement if-elseif-else statement allows you to execute different code groups based on different conditions. In PHP, both elseif and else if are valid. The following code returns a string describing which quarter of the month you are spending.