
What is Ping full form?

What is Ping full form?

A ping (Packet Internet or Inter-Network Groper) is a basic Internet program that allows a user to test and verify if a particular destination IP address exists and can accept requests in computer network administration. The acronym was contrived to match the submariners’ term for the sound of a returned sonar pulse.

What is the difference between DNS and WINS?

WINS is an abbreviation for Windows Internet Name Service and DNS stands for Domain Name System. As the name suggests, WINS is specifically for devices based on Windows, like PC’s, laptops or NT servers. On the other hand, DNS is mainly for servers and network devices.

What is FQDN in networking?

A fully qualified domain name (FQDN) represents a domain name of a host or IP address(es).

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What resolves a computer name to an IP address?

DNS uses certain records for resolving a domain name to an IP address. To determine a host name based on the IP address, DNS uses the reverse lookup. For resolving IPv4 addresses, DNS uses the A record. The A record can store a 32-bit address and can resolve IPv4 addresses.

What is the difference between NetBIOS and NetBEUI?

The main difference between NetBIOS and NetBEUIis the fact that the latter formalizes the frame format that wasn’t indicated as part of the original NetBIOS(the frame format of course refers to how information is arranged in agiven data delivery or transmission).

What is the difference between NetBIOS and DNS?

As has been shown above the main difference between DNS and NetBIOS is the availability of DNS being only available when there is a connection to the internet and the name is registered in the computer. NetBIOS on the other hand is always available to the machines connecting directly to it.

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What is the purpose of NetBIOS over TCP/IP?

NetBIOS over TCP/IP provides the NetBIOS programming interface over the TCP/IP protocol. It extends the reach of NetBIOS client and server programs to the wide area network (WAN). It also provides interoperability with various other operating systems.

How does NetBIOS work?

In short, NetBIOS provides communication services on local networks. It uses a software protocol called NetBIOS Frames ( NBF ) that allows applications and computers on a local area network (LAN) to communicate with network hardware and to transmit data across the network.