
What is Pretty Little Liars about summary?

What is Pretty Little Liars about summary?

Set in the fictional town of Rosewood, Pennsylvania, the series follows the lives of four girls, Aria Montgomery, Hanna Marin, Emily Fields, and Spencer Hastings, whose clique falls apart after the disappearance of their leader, Alison DiLaurentis. Each of the four girls always shared her secrets with Ali.

What is the message behind Pretty Little Liars?

The true aim of Pretty Little Liars was to show its audience that friendship could get you through anything. It was important that we show that in as many and diverse ways as possible. Through breakups, huge mistakes, betrayal and mental health issues, these girls stuck together.

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Who is the killer in Pretty Little Liars?

In Season 5, Alison’s killer is revealed to also be Big A. In “A is for Answers”, the person who tried to kill Alison and the person who buried her are two different people. Jessica DiLaurentis saw who hit Alison with a rock, and subsequently buried her daughter alive, believing she was dead.

Is Pretty Little Liars over?

Pretty Little Liars is an American teen drama mystery thriller television series developed by I. Marlene King and is loosely based on the novel series of the same name written by Sara Shepard. The series premiered on June 8, 2010, on Freeform and ended on June 27, 2017.

How does Pretty Little Liars book end?

Despite Hanna having a moment of happiness by marrying Aria’s brother Mike in a quickie wedding, the jury found the girls guilty. Aria, Hanna and Spencer were sent to jail; however, the series delivered a major twist – Emily was revealed to be alive and well! Emily had faked her death to track a lead on Alison.

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How did the Pretty Little Liars end?

The Pretty Little Liars series finale, “Till Death Do Us Part,” picks up one year after Mary Drake (Andrea Parker) had taken the heat for Hanna’s bout of vehicular manslaughter that killed Archer Dunhill (Huw Collins), a.k.a. Elliott Rollins, and Mona confessed to killing Cece by accident in the church’s bell tower.

Is Aria’s brother A?

Let’s Be Real, Aria’s Brother is Totally “A”

Can Jenna see pretty little liars?

In Season 2, Jenna got an eye surgery and was fully able to see throughout the third season. While she was still blind, Jenna was made to believe that Garrett, whom she dated, killed Alison. Throughout the first three seasons, Jenna thought she knew how Alison was killed.