
What is PRP & OPRP?

What is PRP & OPRP?

Operational Prerequisite Programs (OPRPs) OPRPs are special types of PRPs. They are also control measures aimed at maintaining a safe and hygienic environment. But, unlike regular PRPs, they do control specific hazards and steps in the process.

What does PRP stand for in food?

Definition from ISO 22000:2018: Prerequisite Programme (PRP): “Basic conditions and activities that are necessary within the organization (3.31) and throughout the food chain (3.20) to maintain food safety”

What is CCP in food industry?

Critical Control Point (CCP) – A procedure/practice (control) in food handling/preparation that will reduce, eliminate or prevent hazards. It is a “kill” step that kills microorganisms or a control step that prevents or slows their growth.

What is OPRP?

Operational Pre-requisite programme
OPRP (Operational Pre-requisite programme) Definition: Control measure or combination of control measures applied to prevent or reduce a significant food safety hazard to an acceptable level, and where action criterion and measurement or observation enable effective control of the process and/or product.

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What does OPRP stand for?


Acronym Definition
OPRP Operational Prerequisite Program (food safety)
OPRP Open Protocol Resource Project
OPRP Outbreak Prevention and Response Plan (cruise lines)
OPRP Optional Phased Retirement Program (various organizations)

What is the difference between CCP and critical limit?

A CCP is a step in your process where a control measure with clear critical limit(s) is essential to control a significant hazard. Critical limits are the measurable or observable pre-set values or criteria that separate what is acceptable from what is not acceptable to achieve food safety.

What is OPRP example?

OPRPs are specific actions relating to the process, although not being critical for food safety, but they are essential in reducing the likelihood of specific hazards occurring. For example, metal detection in a process designed to reduce the likelihood of a hazard reaching the consumer.

What is action criteria in OPRP?

=> Action criterion: measurable OR observable specification for the monitoring of an OPRP. => Measurement: a process to determine a value. => Observation: a process to determine a status.