
What is Saint Denis supposed to be?

What is Saint Denis supposed to be?

Trivia. Saint Denis is based on the real-world city of New Orleans, Louisiana. They share a number of similarities, just as Lemoyne does with the real-world state of Louisiana.

Is Blackwater bigger than Saint Denis?

Blackwater is the second largest settlement in Red Dead Redemption 2, second only to Saint Denis.

What happens if you dont help Mary in Saint Denis rdr2?

If you decline to help Mary find her brother in Red Dead Redemption 2, that’s where this quest ends. The two will share a few gentle words, talk about how they miss each other, and part ways. And, that’s that for Mary and Arthur. What’s important to note here is that this choice might lock you out of another mission.

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Who is the real traitor in rdr2?

When Arthur and Sadie attack the Pinkertons head-on at Van Horn to rescue Abigail towards the end of the game, Agent Milton mockingly spills the beans on who the true rat actually was. Micah, is the one who betrayed Dutch and his gang.

Is Saint-Denis Safe?

With 150 criminal incidents per 1,000 inhabitants in 2005, Saint-Denis is known as one of the least safe places in France, so avoid getting lost, especially at night.

What is Seine Saint Denis known for?

The 12th century basilica of the historic town of Saint-Denis is one of the best known symbols of the kingdom. A masterpiece of gothic art, built by order of Abbot Suger on the sepulchre of Saint Denis, patron saint of France, it contains the world’s largest collection of funeral sculptures.

What is the best town in Red Dead?

The 10 Best Areas Of Red Dead Redemption 2, Ranked

  1. 1 Saint Denis. It doesn’t get much better, or more unique, than Saint Denis.
  2. 2 Strawberry. Strawberry is a fantastic little town.
  3. 3 New Austin.
  4. 4 Grizzlies West.
  5. 5 Tall Trees.
  6. 6 Rhodes.
  7. 7 Valentine.
  8. 8 Braithwaite Manor.
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Should you help Mary rdr2?

Declining to help Mary will prevent players from being able accept a future mission to help Mary’s father. If Red Dead Redemption 2 players want to avoid this mistake, they should agree to help Mary. If players choose to decline helping Mary, the quest will end here, with Mary and Arthur sharing their farewells.

Can Arthur make a move on Mary?

When you accept the offer of Mary, Arthur has a chance to make a move to Mary Linton. After the first show, there will be a menu selection when you focus to Mary. The Make a Move menu.

Does Dutch betray you RDR2?

To Dutch, Arthur was the traitor. Arthur betrayed him by not trusting him, by not having faith in him. To Dutch, it wasn’t a betrayal. Because Dutch is an ambitious ass that’s always going to be looking for “the next big score”.