
What is school like in Timor-Leste?

What is school like in Timor-Leste?

Only 20 percent of preschool-aged children in Timor-Leste are enrolled in school. Nearly 37 percent of rural youth (15-24) are illiterate, compared to just six percent in urban areas. Approximately 70 percent of grade one students don’t meet basic learning outcomes.

Does Timor-Leste have good education?

Despite working from the ground up, education in Timor-Leste has greatly improved since it gained its independence in 2002. The government has stepped in, as well as other organizations, to prioritize educational needs across the country. In the long term, this will assist the Timorese in climbing out of poverty.

How many dialects in Timor-Leste?


Area: 15.007 Km2
Capital: Díli
Nationality: Timorese
Official Languages: Portuguese and Tétum (national language) Apart from these there are another 15 local dialects
Working Languages: English and Bahasa Indonesian
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What is special about Timor-Leste?

There really is nothing else like Timor-Leste in South-East Asia which is what makes this place so unique. It’s South-East Asia, it has the beaches, it has the scenery, but no one else is here and its residents have not reached ‘jaded’ status.

What is the official language of Timor-Leste?

Timor-Leste/Official languages
Timor-Leste (East Timor): Languages. This guide provides resources on the country’s history, languages, and government. Timor-Leste’s two official languages are Portuguese and Tetum, and its two working languages are English and Indonesian.

What languages do they speak in Timor Leste?

What language is spoken in Timor-Leste?

The lingua franca and national language of East Timor is Tetum, an Austronesian language influenced by Portuguese, with which it has equal status as an official language.

Will Timor-Leste join ASEAN?

TIMOR-LESTE is the only Southeast Asian nation that is not a part of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean). Asean includes Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

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Do Timor-Leste speak Portuguese?

East Timorese Portuguese (Português timorense in Portuguese) is a Portuguese dialect spoken in the country of Timor-Leste or East Timor. It is one of the official languages of Timor-Leste alongside Tetum.