
What is shifting cultivation what are its advantages and disadvantages?

What is shifting cultivation what are its advantages and disadvantages?

Advantages: This method helps to eliminate weeds, insects and other germs effecting the soil. Shifting cultivation allows for farming in areas with dense vegetation, low soil nutrients content, uncontrollable pests. Disadvantages: In shifting cultivation, trees in the forests are cut.

What is shifting cultivation?

Shifting cultivation is an agricultural system in which plots of land are cultivated temporarily, then abandoned while post-disturbance fallow vegetation is allowed to freely grow while the cultivator moves on to another plot.

What is shifting agriculture What are its bad impact on environment?

Jhum is the most serious problems leading to degradation of the forests. Several National, International and regional level organizations are doing their research work on the issue of climate change. The other negative impact of shifting cultivation is the damage to the soil level.

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What are the negative effects of shifting cultivation?

The negative effects of abusing shifting cultivation are devastating and far-reaching in degrading the environment and ecology of the affected region. These negative effects can be identified in the form of localized deforestation, soil and nutrient loss, and invasion by weeds and other species.

What is shifting cultivation and its advantages?

$it is also called slash or burn agriculture . $advantages:This method helps to eliminate weeds, insects and other germs effecting the soil. Shifting cultivation allows for farming in areas with dense vegetation, low soil nutrients content, uncontrollable pests.

What are 3 disadvantages of shifting cultivation?

Deforestation, losing fertility of land and soil erosion are the disadvantages of shifting cultivation.

What is shifting cultivation short answer 8?

Answer: Shifting cultivation is also known as Slash-and-burn cultivation. It is a type of farming activity which involves clearing of a land plot by cutting down trees and burning them. The ashes are then mixed with the soil and crops are grown. After the land has lost its fertility, it is abandoned.

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What is shifting cultivation what are its advantages class 8?

Shifting cultivation is a traditional farming method where a plot of land is cleared, burned and cultivated for few years after which the farmer moves to the next plot of land and the same procedure is followed. It provide the very easy and very fast method of the preparation of the land for the agriculture.

What are the effect of shifting cultivation?

Impact of shifting cultivation practices Shifting cultivation has contributed to both positive and adverse environmental impacts. On the positive side, this practice restricts the intensity of land use, reducing the rate of environmental degradation in situations where capital and land management capability are low.

What are the two advantages of shifting cultivation?

Simple growing method, small investment, no need of animal labour power, reduce incidences of soil borne disease and pest management are the main beneficial aspects on one side whereas on the other side, destroying habitats of wild animals, taking our life element: oxygen, large-scale deforestation and soil and …

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What are the impact of shifting cultivation?

What is the advantage of shifting cultivation?

It provide the very easy and very fast method of the preparation of the land for the agriculture. In the shifting cultivation the growth of the crops will start fast and in the sometimes only it will get ready for the harvest.