
What is short for Aleksandra?

What is short for Aleksandra?

Ola is a short version of Aleksandra, and Aga can refer both to Agnieszka and Agata. Some more surprising diminutives would include Lolek, a diminutive for Karol which is ironically just as long as the original name.

What nationality is Aleksandra?


Language(s) From the Greek Alexandra, the female form of Alexandros, from alexein meaning “to ward off, keep off, turn away, defend, protect” and aner meaning “man”
Name day April 21
Meaning “Defender, protector of mankind”
Other names

Is Aleksandra a polish?

A respelling of the English, Czech, Danish, French, German, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, or Swedish female given name Alexandra.

What is the most common name in Poland?

Top 10 names in Poland 2021

Boy names names
1 Antoni Zuzanna / Julia
2 Jan Zofia
3 Aleksander Hanna
4 Jakub Maja
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Why is Aleksandra called Ola?

Ola is also used as a surname. In Poland, why is the name “Aleksandra” (or other similar form) shortened to “Ola”? Aleksandra is the Polish rendering of the Greek name Αλεξάνδρα, which in turn is the female version of the male name Ἀλέξανδρος, which means “defender / protector of the people”.

How common is the name Alexander?

According to Social Security Administration data, Alexander has been overwhelmingly popular over the last two decades, remaining in the top 20 names since 2000. It peaked in popularity in 2009 when it was the number four most popular name for boys. However, it is the 44th most popular name on

Is Ola a name?

Ola (Arabic: علا‎) is an Arabic feminine given name that means “surmount”, “high”, and “arise”. It is also a common Nigerian, Norwegian or Swedish masculine given name and another form of Olaf (Norwegian and Swedish). It is also a feminine given name and a nickname for Aleksandra in Polish.

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What is the name Ola in Polish?

32. Ola: defender of men. A popular Polish nickname for Aleksandra.

Is Lester a Polish name?

Lester is an ancient Anglo-Saxon surname, first found in Cheshire, England.

Is Aleksandra a popular name?

According to Social Security Administration data, Alexandra steadily decreasing in popularity. Once holding a spot in the top 100 from 2000 to 2015, Alexandra still enjoys a spot in the top 150. However, it is the 15th most popular name on

What names are similar to Alexander?

20 Names Similar to Alexander

  • James.
  • William.
  • Benjamin.
  • Nicholas.
  • Theodore.
  • Henry.
  • Daniel.
  • Andrew.