
What is Socketpair?

What is Socketpair?

The socketpair function creates a pair of unnamed UNIX domain sockets of the specified type and the optionally specified protocol. The function returns two descriptors that represent the sockets in the socket pair.

What are pipes and sockets?

A socket is a part of the OSI model that enables communication between different layers. Pipes are used in processing in the CPU. Communication in socket is bi directional while it’s unidirectional in pipes. Pipes increase productivity By processing multiple processes simultaneously.

What is a socket in Linux?

Sockets are the constructs that allow processes on different machines to communicate through an underlying network, being also possibly used as a way of communicating with other processes in the same host (through Unix sockets). Whenever new clients land in the second line, the process can then let it come in.

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How does Socketpair work?

socketpair creates two sockets which are already connected to each other. A common use case is the communication between a parent and a child process: the parent creates the socket pair, forks the child and then child and parent can communicate through their end of the socket pair with each other.

Are pipes faster than sockets?

Named pipes are definitely faster on Windows. On UNIX & Linux, you’d want a UDS or local pipe. Same thing, different name. Anything other than sockets will be faster for local communication.

What is IPC and RPC?

js, RPC (Remote Procedure Call) and IPC (Inter-Process Communication) are both mechanisms to communicate between a frontend process running in a browser and a backend process running under Node. Each can be used to connect processes that reside the same machine or on different machines connected through a network.

How do I use sockets in Linux?

The steps involved in establishing a socket on the server side are as follows:

  1. Create a socket with the socket() system call.
  2. Bind the socket to an address using the bind() system call.
  3. Listen for connections with the listen() system call.
  4. Accept a connection with the accept() system call.
  5. Send and receive data.