
What is Steins Gate message?

What is Steins Gate message?

D-Mail, short for DeLorean Mail refers to all the mails sent back in time by Okabe Rintarou throughout the course of Steins;Gate. The mails are generally sent back through use of the PhoneWave (name subject to change), but some also arrive from as far in the future as 2036, from the future Okabe.

Is Kagari Okabe’s daughter?

Turns out that wasn’t the case because a Drama CD that took place on another world-line killed the theory as Kagari was Okabe’s adopted daughter in it despite Kurisu being alive.

Does Okabe have a kid?

Kagari Shiina (椎名 かがり, Shiina Kagari) is one of the characters of Steins;Gate 0. She is a war orphan and the adopted daughter of Mayuri Shiina in 2036 in the Beta Attractor Field.

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What did Faris send?

Her message was sent back in time to her father’s phone. The message she sent changed the fact that he had gotten on the plane and died. Without her father in the picture, she sparked the existence of the moe culture in the city. But with her father in the equation, she had never sparked the moe‑ization of the city.

How did Okabe send the first D Mail?

By sending the first D-mail, Okabe accidentally tips off CERN about time travel. Armed with that information, SERN develops their own time machine and eventually takes over the world (I’ll get back to this point later).

Who are the antagonists in Steins Gate?


  • Kagari Shiina.
  • Yugo Tennouji.
  • SERN.
  • Shouichi Makise.

How old is Mayushi?

She is 18 years old. She is the main protagonist of the side-story manga, Steins;Gate: Bōkan no Rebellion.

Why did Okabe Steins Gate kill Kurisu?

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Not Okabe 0, He had to sacrifice himself so Okabe Steins Gate could save Kurisu. Explaining, in Steins Gate 0 Okabe has tried thousands of times to save Mayuri and Kurisu, it gets to a point where he ends up killing Kurisu with his own hands.

What does the future Okabe tell the present Okabe?

The future Okabe tells the present Okabe to deceive the past Okabe. To prevent Kurisu’s death, Okabe need to get Kurisu unconscious without killing her, and make her lie in a pool of any red liquid that looks like blood.

What is the Steins’ Gate?

Steins;Gate World Line: The world where Kurisu’s appears to be murdered but is actually alive, but unconscious.

Can Kurisu’s death be prevented?

From the video, Okabe realises that Kurisu’s death can be prevented. Okabe had never witnessed the scene where Kurisu was stabbed, but had only witnessed Kurisu lying in a pool of blood AFTER she was stabbed. The beta attraction field will always lead to Okabe seeing Kurisu lying motionless in the blood pool.