
What is tarawih prayer?

What is tarawih prayer?

‘rest and relaxation’) Taraweeh is derived from the Arabic word meaning “to rest and relax”. These special prayers involve reading long portions of the Qur’an, as well as performing many rakahs (cycles of movement involved in Islamic prayer).

How do you pray tarawih prayer?

How Do We Pray Tarawih at Home?

  1. Pray Isha (four raka’as)
  2. Pray two raka’as sunnah of Isha.
  3. Set your intention to start praying tarawih/qiyam.
  4. Take a short break.
  5. Pray the next four raka’as (again, two raka’as at a time).
  6. Here, you can either end your tarawih and move on to witr, or continue praying.

Why do we pray Taraweeh?

During the holy month of Ramadan, special prayers called Taraweeh are conducted after every evening’s last daily prayer (Isha). Taraweeh is derived from the Arabic word meaning “to rest and relax”, as it is seen as a special form of Islamic meditation. The aim is read the entire Qur’an by the end of Ramadan.

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Can you pray Taraweeh alone?

A. It is perfectly appropriate for anyone to offer Taraweeh prayer, which is the name used for night worship in Ramadan, at home, individually or in a group. In fact, it is better to offer voluntary prayers at home, leaving the mosque for obligatory prayers.

What do you mean by tahajjud?

‘Tahajjud also known as the “night prayer”, is a voluntary prayer performed by followers of Islam. It is not one of the five obligatory prayers required of all Muslims, although the Islamic prophet, Muhammad was recorded as performing the tahajjud prayer regularly himself and encouraging his companions too.

How can we do Taraweeh at home?

The Prophet prayed eight rak’at of Taraweeh and three rakat of Witr.

  1. Decide whether you will read from the Quran or memorisation.
  2. Begin by praying ‘Isha.
  3. Continue praying two-by-two until you are satisfied.
  4. Conclude the Taraweeh with the Shafaa and Witr Prayer.