
What is the accuracy of NTC thermistor?

What is the accuracy of NTC thermistor?

NTC Thermistors vs. Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs)

Sensor type Thermistor RTD
Accuracy (typical) 0.05 to 1.5°C 0.1 to 1°C
Long-term stability @ 100°C 0.2°C/year 0.05°C/year
Linearity Exponential Fairly linear
Power required Constant voltage or current Constant voltage or current

What is the resistance of NTC thermistor?

NTC thermistors are usually characterised by their base resistance at room temperature, that is 25oC, (77oF) as this provides a convenient reference point. So for example, 2k2Ω at 25oC, 10kΩ at 25oC or 47kΩ at 25oC, etc. Another important characteristic of a thermistor is its “B” value.

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Are all 10K thermistors the same?

There are no industry or governmental standards for thermistors. There are at least 5 different temperature versus resistance curves for 10K thermistors in the HVAC/R world. All the thermistors have 10,000 Ohms of resistance at 77°F or 25°C, but they vary greatly the further you get away from 77°F.

How do you calculate NTC thermistor resistance?

The percent resistance tolerance is determined by multiplying the specified temperature tolerance by the NTC of the thermistor at the given temperature point. NTC (\%/°C) × Temperature Tolerance (± °C) = ± \% Resistance Tolerance.

Are thermistors reliable?

Thermistors are highly accurate (ranging from ± 0.05°C to ± 1.5°C), but only over a limited temperature range that is within about 50°C of a base temperature. The working temperature range for most thermistors is between 0°C and 100°C.

What is the difference between a resistor and a thermistor?

As nouns the difference between resistor and thermistor is that resistor is one who resists, especially a person who fights against an occupying army while thermistor is a resistor whose resistance varies rapidly and predictably with temperature and as a result can be used to measure temperature.

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What is the basic function of NTC thermistors?

An NTC thermistor is a temperature sensor that uses the resistance properties of ceramic/metal composites to measure the temperature.

What are the two types of thermistors and how are they different?

There are two types of thermistors: Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) and Positive Temperature Coefficient (PTC). With an NTC thermistor, when the temperature increases, resistance decreases. Conversely, when temperature decreases, resistance increases. A PTC thermistor works a little differently.

What are thermistors name different types of thermistors?

The main two types of thermistors are NTC (Negative Temperature Coefficient) and PTC (Positive temperature coefficient). Thermistors measure temperature by using resistance. With an NTC thermistor, as the temperature increases the resistance decreases, and when the temperature decreases, the resistance increases.

What is 10K thermistor?

You can see how the resistance of the thermistor decreases with an increase of temperature. A 10K thermistor, however, will only restrict 10,000 ohms of a current at 25℃. If the temperature is warmer, let’s say 50℃, the thermistor would restrict only 3,900 ohms.

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What is NTC 10K?

Description: NTC is an acronym for Negative Temperature, An NTC thermistor is a temperature sensor that uses the resistance properties of ceramic/metal composites to measure the temperature.