
What is the age of captain in Pak Army?

What is the age of captain in Pak Army?

Eligibility Criteria:

Gender Male
Marital Status Married / Unmarried
Nationality Nationality of Pakistan and domicile holders of Azad Kashmir/Gilgit – Baltistan
Age 28 yrs
Last Date 08 January 2021

How long does it take to become a captain in the Army Pakistan?

Technical Cadet Course (TCC) After completing their Bachelor of Engineering degree from one of these institutions, the E-Cadets, as they are called, are sent to Pakistan Military Academy, Kakul for military training of one year after which they directly attain the rank of captain in their respective units.

What is the grade of captain in Pak Army?

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Officer ranks

Army Rank BPS
Lieutenant Colonel BPS-19
Major BPS-18
Captain BPS-17
Lieutenant BPS-17

What is the salary of captain in Pakistan?

The national average salary for a Army Officer is ₨90,000 in Pakistan….Army Officer Salaries.

Job Title Salary
Pakistan Army O3 – Army – Captain salaries – 1 salaries reported PKR 20,000/mo

What is qualification for army Captain?

Eligibility to become Army Officer

Army Officer National Defence Academy (NDA) Eligibility
Educational Qualification The candidate must have passed graduation from a recognized Institute.
Age Limit 18 to 42 years

How long does it take to become captain in the Army?

Time in Grade and Time in Service

Promote to: Time in Service Time in Grade
First lieutenant/O2 18 months 18 months
Captain/O3 4 years plus 1 year 2 years
Major/O4 10 years +/- 1year 3 years
Lieutenant Colonel/O5 16 years +/- 1 year 3 years

How Army officers get promoted in Pakistan?

After six months, the second lieutenant gets a promotion. When the second lieutenant (lowest army officer rank) gets promoted, he becomes a lieutenant. The lieutenant is the second lowest officer rank in Pakistan army. After reviewing the performance file, lieutenant gets a promotion to captain.

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Who is senior major or captain?

Indian Army Indian Navy Indian Air Force
Colonel Captain Group Captain
Lieutenant Colonel Commander Wing Commander
Major Lieutenant Commander Squadron Leader
Captain Lieutenant Flight Lieutenant