
What is the angle between the electric field at any point and the equipotential surface passing through that point?

What is the angle between the electric field at any point and the equipotential surface passing through that point?

The angle between the electric field intensity →E and the equipotential surface is 90∘.

Why is the electric field always at right angles to the equipotential surface?

Electric field is always at right angle to equipotential surface because there is no potential gradient along any direction along any direction parallel to the surface and so no electric field parallel to the surface .

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What is the angle between electric field and dipole moment at an equatorial point?

180 degrees
Dipole moment and electric field are opposite to each other on equatorial line. Hence the angle between them is 180 degrees.

Why are electric field lines perpendicular to surfaces?

Since the electric field lines are directed radially away from the charge, hence they are opposite to the equipotential lines. Therefore, the electric field is perpendicular to the equipotential surface.

Why is the electric field vector always perpendicular to equipotential surfaces?

Since the electric field lines point radially away from the charge, they are perpendicular to the equipotential lines. The potential is the same along each equipotential line, meaning that no work is required to move a charge anywhere along one of those lines.

Why do field lines intersect equipotential lines and conductive surfaces at right angles?

Here’s why. If all points along an equipotential line are at the same potential, then no charge would move along them. The electric field line shows the direction of the electrostatic force on a charge. Since there’s no component of force along an equipotential line, field lines must intersect them at right angles.

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What is the angle between the electric dipole moment and the electric field due to it on axial line?

The angle between the direction of electric field at any axial point and equatorial point due an electric dipole is 180∘.

What is the angle between the electric dipole moment p and the electric field strength E lohen the dipole is in a stable equilibrium?

= 0
The dipole is in stable equilibrium, when the torque on it is zero. Since →τ=→p×→E, therefore τ = 0 when the angle between →p and →E = 0.

Is electric field intensity parallel to the equipotential surface?

Therefore, component of electric field intensity along the equipotential surface is zero it means, the electric field intensity is perpendicular to equipotential surface. …

What is the relationship between equipotential surfaces and the direction of electric field lines?

Equipotential surfaces have equal potentials everywhere on them. For stronger fields, equipotential surfaces are closer to each other! These equipotential surfaces are always perpendicular to the electric field direction, at every point.