
What is the average price of a house in Finland?

What is the average price of a house in Finland?

A brief look at lot sizes and associated real estate prices

City The average lot size for a one-family house in a zoned area (sq.m.) Average price (€)
Oulu 1 249 227 451
Rovaniemi 1 304 203 515
Tampere 987 325 000
Jyväskylä 1 160 246 319

Is housing in Finland expensive?

Housing costs vary a lot in Finland. On average, about one-fifth of Finns’ net income goes to housing. However, rents vary in the range of €10–30 per m². The average cost of owner-occupied homes in Finland is €2,100 per m², but homes are much more expensive in large cities.

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How much does a flat cost in Finland?

It can be seen that in 2021, Helsinki was the most expensive city to buy an apartment, with average values of 5,250 euros per square meter….Average cost* of an apartment in Finland in 1st quarter 2021, by city (in euros per square meter)

Characteristic Average cost per square meter in euros

How much do houses cost in Helsinki?

In the summer of 2019, the most expensive homes in Helsinki cost an average of EUR 7,300 per square metre. The most affordable homes cost an average of EUR 3,000 per square metre. Housing prices in Helsinki rose by an average of 2.4\% per year.

Why is Finland expensive?

The elevated price level in Finland is often attributed to the low level of competition in the closed-sector industries, Bank of Finland Bulletin explains. All and all, the Eurostat study shows that Denmark is Europe’s most expensive country where consumer goods cost 42 percent more than the EU average.

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Is land expensive in Finland?

The prices of arable land have been lower in Eastern and Northern Finland than in Western and Southern Finland. The price decreased by almost 10 percent in comparison with 2016. The most expensive arable land was located in Varsinais-Suomi and Ostrobothnia, where the median price was 12,200 euros per hectare.

Is it cheaper to live in Finland?

A single person estimated monthly costs are 909$ (809€) without rent. Cost of living in Finland is, on average, 3.98\% higher than in United States. Rent in Finland is, on average, 38.10\% lower than in United States….By City in Finland.

Rank City Cost of Living Index
4 Tampere 70.56
5 Oulu 70.04

Why is Finland so expensive?

How much does land in Finland cost?

The median price of arable land in the entire country was 8,300 euros per hectare in 2017. The price decreased by almost 10 percent in comparison with 2016. The most expensive arable land was located in Varsinais-Suomi and Ostrobothnia, where the median price was 12,200 euros per hectare.

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How much money do I need to live in Finland?

In Finland, you will need between 700 – 900 EUR/month, depending on the area in which you will live. Helsinki is the most expensive city, while Laaperanta, Pori and Tampere are known as the most affordable student cities. Check the average budget you need for the large cities in Finland (including accommodation costs):