
What is the average time to solve the NYT mini crossword?

What is the average time to solve the NYT mini crossword?

The minis follow the same difficulty standards as the standard crosswords (meaning Mondays are easiest and Saturdays are the most difficult). To my knowledge, no data of averages exist on solving the minis. Personally, they tend to take me anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 minutes.

How long does it take to do a crossword puzzle?

Creating a good puzzle can be more challenging, and more fulfilling, than solving one. It can take an experienced puzzle creator three or four hours to make a standard 15×15 puzzle, and it can take beginning puzzle makers twice that. So have fun. Don’t expect to finish in a single sitting.

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Which day is the hardest New York Times crossword puzzle?

The Saturday crossword is actually the hardest puzzle of the week. Mondays have the most straightforward clues and Saturday clues are the hardest, or involve the most wordplay. Contrary to popular belief, the Sunday puzzles are midweek difficulty, not the hardest. They’re just bigger.

What time does the NYT mini crossword?

For the initial release, you can only see the leaderboard for the currently live Mini puzzle. That means when a new puzzle arrives (10 p.m. Eastern Mon. — Fri., 6 p.m. Eastern Sat.

Is the NYT mini free?

(People’s crossword puzzle: “NCIS: ___ Angeles.” The Mini: “Treat for an early bird.”) Unlike the regular puzzle, it’s free to play—picture the heroin sample dealers offer to get people hooked, only instead of heroin, it’s a thimbleful of skim milk.

How do you get good at crossword puzzles?

6 tips that will help you master crossword puzzles from the national champion

  1. Start off with easier puzzles.
  2. Try to learn a little of everything.
  3. Google is your friend.
  4. Start with the blanks.
  5. Recognize words that appear over and over.
  6. Stay cool.
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Are Monday crosswords easy?

Monday is the easiest puzzle day, Saturday is the hardest. Most people assume the iconic Sunday NYT puzzle is the most challenging, but most crossword enthusiasts find Saturday’s puzzles have the highest level of difficulty.