
What is the best donation clan in COC?

What is the best donation clan in COC?

Players Troops donated Ranking

Name Clan
1 !-=nabil=-! REQ
2 유동휘 Req N Leave
3 [Mr.Mohammad] req n leave
4 dd Req

Where do you get a Super Wizard in clash of clans?

The Super Wizard is a Super Troop based on the Wizard. It can be unlocked by boosting the Wizard when the Wizard is at least level 9. Boosting the Wizard requires 25,000 Dark Elixir or a Super Potion, and doing so allows the Wizard to be boosted for 3 days.

Can you donate Super Wizard?

Donations. Super Troops can be requested and donated just as regular troops. However, to receive the specific Super Troop you have requested someone in your clan must have the Super Troop active as Super Troops can’t be donated with Gems.

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What is the best super troop in clash of clans?

Here are the five best Super Troops in Clash of Clans….The current super troops available include:

  • Super Archer.
  • Sneaky Goblin.
  • Super Giant.
  • Super Wall Breaker.
  • Inferno Dragon.
  • Super Minion.
  • Super Valkyrie.
  • Super Witch.

What is ice wizard?

The Ice Wizard is the Wizard-related card to have lower price, damage, and hitpoints. Despite being able to attack with and control ice, the Ice Wizard is not immune to the Freeze spell, Ice Spirits, opposing Ice Wizards, or an opposing Ice Golem’s death damage.

What is super troop in COC?

Super Troops are troops that are more powerful troops than their original counterparts and have special abilities. You can temporarily boost the original into their Super Troop counterpart with Dark Elixir or a Super Potion once you have reached Town Hall 11 and have the base troop’s level requirement reached.

Can you use Super troops in clan wars?

You can only train the Super version if that power-up is currently active. You can donate Super Troops as reinforcements to Clanmates. Once the Super buff has expired, the unused Super Troops will remain in your Barracks until they are used or donated.

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