
What is the best greatsword in Dark Souls?

What is the best greatsword in Dark Souls?

Ranked: 15 Most Powerful Weapons In Dark Souls

  1. 1 Black Knight Halberd. There really is no other choice for the best weapon in Dark Souls.
  2. 2 Claymore. At first glance, the Claymore might not seem worth the effort.
  3. 3 Zweihander.
  4. 4 Black Knight Sword.
  5. 5 Moonlight Greatsword.
  6. 6 Estoc.
  7. 7 Black Knight Greatsword.
  8. 8 Balder Side Sword.

What is the strongest ultra greatsword in Dark Souls 3?

Ultra Greatswords | Dark Souls 3 Wiki

Name & Icon Attack Power Damage Reduction (\%)
Lorian’s Greatsword 151 60.0 100 45
Lothric Knight Greatsword 131 55.0 100 45
Astora Greatsword 132 50.0 100 40

Why is the Astora Greatsword good?

The Astora Greatsword grants great potential for Dexterity builds to become formidable on the battlefield. This, in addition to excellent scaling, base stats, and a versatile moveset allow gamers wielding the Astora Greatsword to annihilate their enemies.

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Is the claymore a good weapon?

Claymore is one of the best weapons in the game for both PvP and PvE. You’ll be fine.

Is Black Knight Sword good dark souls 3?

Characteristics. The Black Knight Sword is a very effective greatsword for quality builds, despite being un-infusable and un-buffable.

Is the fume ultra greatsword better than the greatsword?

Has a higher poise health value than other Ultra Greatswords. While all the other Ultra Greatswords have a poise health value of 27.3, the FUGS has 30.8 poise health. This means you can have 39.3 poise to tank through other Ultra Greatswords instead of 45.9.

Is Sharp Astora Greatsword good?

One of the best weapons to use elemental infusions with because of it’s low requirements and high scaling. With a Sharp infusion at +10, the scaling grants it almost 2 AR per level after the 40 DEX softcap. At very high stats (60 in Str/Dex/Lck) this weapons performs best with Blessed Weapon.