
What is the common feature between Cryptogams and phanerogams?

What is the common feature between Cryptogams and phanerogams?

Cryptogams vs Phanerogams
Cryptogams are non seed-bearing primitive plants which have hidden reproductive organs. Phanerogams are seed-bearing higher plants which have exposed reproductive organs.
Vascular System
The Vascular system is not well developed in cryptogams. Phanerogams contain a well developed vascular system.

What are Cryptogams and phanerogams Class 9?

Cryptogams are plants that reproduce by spores without flowers or seeds. The reproductive organs are not visible. Examples of cryptogam are mosses, ferns, liches, algae and so on. Phanerogams are plants that have reproductive organs, flowers and seeds.

Do Cryptogams have seeds?

A cryptogam (scientific name Cryptogamae) is a plant (in the wide sense of the word) or a plant-like organism that reproduces by spores, without flowers or seeds.

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What are the characteristics of Cryptogams?

Characteristics of cryptogams

  • Cryptogams are lower plants.
  • Flowers, seeds, and fruits are not bear by these plants.
  • All plants that do not bear seed are cryptogams.
  • The process of their reproduction can be through vegetatively, sexually, and asexually.
  • Spores are used for their reproduction.

What are the similarities between bryophytes and Pteridophytes?

Similarities Between Bryophytes And Pteridophytes Both plants consist of the heteromorphic alternation of generations. They are multicellular sporangia. The cuticle is present in both the plants. Sexual reproduction takes place due to the presence of oogamous.

What are the difference between phanerogams and Cryptogams?

The main difference between cryptogams and phanerogams is that Cryptogams consist of seedless plants whereas phanerogams consist of seed-bearing plants. Cryptogams are non-flowering plants, which mainly reproduce by the production of spores. They do not produce fruits.

What is phanerogams in biology?

Phanerogams are the plants that have seeds. They are also known as spermatophytes. The plant body is differentiated into root, stem, and leaves. They have well developed vascular system. Gymnosperm and angiosperm are categorized under Phanerogams.

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What are phanerogams describe the two main divisions of phanerogams?

Phanerogams are included in Division Spermatophyta, characterized by the presence of seeds. This Division is divided into 2 sub-divisions, i.e. Gymnosperms and Angiosperms. In Gymnosperms the seeds are naked and in Angiosperms the seeds are enclosed in fruit.

How is Phanerogams different from Cryptogams?

What is Phanerogams in biology?

Which one is not a spermatophyte?

Cycas belongs to the Cycads group of gymnosperms. They don’t have flowers or fruits. They look like palm trees with no branches. Option C: Pteris and Dryopteris: They both are Pteridophytes so are not included in the spermatophyte category.