
What is the correct way to version any API?

What is the correct way to version any API?

There are four common ways to version a REST API.

  1. Versioning through URI Path.
  2. Versioning through query parameters.
  3. Versioning through custom headers.
  4. Versioning through content negotiation.
  5. Summary.

Do you need to version an API?

Do you really need to version your API? APIs are contracts established between you and your API consumers. Ideally, you will never have to break this contract. This includes URI patterns, payload structures, field and parameter names, expected behavior, and everything else in between.

What does it mean to version an API?

API versioning is the practice of transparently managing changes to your API. Versioning is effective communication around changes to your API, so consumers know what to expect from it. You are delivering data to the public in some fashion and you need to communicate when you change the way that data is delivered.

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How do I find my API version?

Identify your current API version

  1. Navigate to Setup.
  2. In the ‘Quick Find’ search box type, API.
  3. Then click API under ‘Develop’
  4. From there click Generate Enterprise WSDL.
  5. On the next page listing ‘Installed Packages’ click the Generate button.

How do you do versioning in Microservices?

Microservice Versioning

  1. For MAJOR version change, the consumers have to be changed.
  2. For MINOR version change (backwards compatible), only the consumer(s) that requires the added functionality needs to change.
  3. For PATCH version change, it’s optional and would probably be seamless for any consumers to make use of it.

What is semantic API versioning?

Semantic Versioning is a versioning scheme for using meaningful version numbers (that’s why it is called Semantic Versioning). Specifically, the meaning revolves around how API versions compare in terms of backwards-compatibility.

How do I find my SF API version?

Log in to your Salesforce org as an Admin -> Navigate to ‘Apex Classes’ in Setup -> Click ‘New’ -> Click ‘Version Settings’ -> There you can see which API version your Salesforce instance is on.

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How do I update API in Salesforce?

To set the Salesforce API and Apex version for a class or trigger:

  1. Edit either a class or trigger, and click Version Settings.
  2. Select the Version of the Salesforce API. This is also the version of Apex associated with the class or trigger.
  3. Click Save.

When should I change API version?

The most common reason for API versioning is honoring contracts with your existing API customers. Their apps may rely upon the way your API functions when they set it up. Just because you need to update your API doesn’t mean they’re ready to do the same for their apps.