
What is the definition of the word grisly?

What is the definition of the word grisly?

1 : inspiring horror or intense fear houses that were dark and grisly under the blank, cold sky— D. H. Lawrence. 2 : inspiring disgust or distaste a grisly account of the fire.

What is a word for not comparable?

beyond comparison; matchless or unequaled: incomparable beauty. not comparable; incapable of being compared to each other, as two unlike objects or qualities, or to one or more others.

What is a synonym and antonym for neutral?

neutral. Synonyms: uninterfering, impartial, indifferent, negative, unavowed. Antonyms: partial, interested, interfering, active, positive, declared, avowed.

Is Displeasement a real word?

verb (used with object), dis·pleased, dis·pleas·ing. to incur the dissatisfaction, dislike, or disapproval of; offend; annoy: His reply displeased the judge.

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What does it mean to be discontented?

discontent. noun (1) Definition of discontent (Entry 2 of 4) : lack of satisfaction with one’s possessions, status, or situation : lack of contentment: a : a sense of grievance : dissatisfaction the winter of our discontent— William Shakespeare.

Is grizzly a real word?

Is grizzly a noun or an adjective? Grizzly is both a noun and an adjective. The adjective, meaning “grizzled; sprinkled or streaked with gray,” came first. In the early 19th century grizzly also began to be used as a noun, a shortened form of grizzly bear (which was so named because of the animal’s grayish fur).

What does it mean for a baby to be grizzly?

If children are grizzly, they complain or cry a lot, often because they are unwell or tired. [informal] All babies need quiet times on their own and get grizzly if they’ve had too much stimulation.

Is Incomparability a word?

1. Being such that comparison is impossible; incommensurable. 2. So outstanding as to be beyond comparison; unsurpassed.

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What is the synonym of unmatched?

unequaled. (or unequalled), unexampled, unparalleled, unrivaled.

Is non neutrality a word?

Not neutral. A person or party that is not neutral; a partisan.

Is neutral synonym of indifferent?

In this page you can discover 64 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for neutral, like: indifferent, impartial, biased, nonpartisan, indeterminate, adiaphorous, on the side lines, inactive, colorless, disengaged and impersonal.