
What is the difference between an M1 Carbine and an M1 Garand?

What is the difference between an M1 Carbine and an M1 Garand?

30 caliber” but the distinction is that the M1 Carbine fires the . 30 carbine (7.62x33mm) whereas the M1 Garand fires the . 30 carbine cartridge, which was designed specifically for the M1 Carbine, is a light rifle round and shouldn’t be seen as an intermediate round—notably those used with modern assault rifles.

Is M1 Garand still good?

While it only carries an 8 round magazine and has a 24 inch long barrel, you may not be clearing rooms with it, but it still is accurate, reliable semiautomatic firepower and could be an effective DMR. The Garand is certainly relevant in a world where people claim their bolt action Mosin is a tactically viable weapon..

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Can you legally own an M1 Garand?

And now, although the M1 Garand and M1 Carbine are very legal to own in the United States, President Obama is exerting his power through executive action, but not after flip-flopping over the deal.

Was the M1 Carbine better than the Garand?

Clearly the M1 Garand chambered in 30–06 is significantly larger bullet and much longer range and impact than the Carbine that shoots a cartridge that is a little larger than a handgun round. But, the carbine shoots faster, far easier to keep on target, lighter, and you can carry 4x more ammo.

Why is the M1 Garand so popular?

Most sub machine guns, at the time, were calibered in pistol rounds. A longer barrel creates better ballistics but a pistol round is less powerful then a rifle round and, even from a longer barrel, doesn’t fly as true. So, the M1 was a rather unique rifle for its day and that is why it was so popular.

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Is the M1 Garand the best?

The M1 remained in service through the end of the war and even through the Korean War in 1950–53. Simple, sturdy, and well designed for its time, the Garand gave U.S. Army soldiers and Marines far greater firepower than their enemies—and allies too for that matter. …

Was the M1 Carbine a good rifle?

It’s still a very effective rifle. The soft point ammo is effective. And if you know what you’re doing, you can make them run and you can still get some pretty good magazines. I have yet to find another long gun that’s as light and handy and well-balanced as the M1 Carbine.