
What is the difference between military school and army school?

What is the difference between military school and army school?

Sainik School and Military School both are basically for preparing the students for Indian Defence Services. Only difference is that in Sainik Schools some quota is available for civilian wards also. So to that extent the children of non armed forces parents can also apply in Sainik Schools.

Is Doon school and Rimc same?

The Rashtriya Indian Military College (RIMC) is a military school for boys and girls situated in Doon Valley, Dehradun in India. The RIMC is a feeder institution for the National Defence Academy, Indian Naval Academy and subsequently the Indian Armed Forces.

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What is the difference between Rimc and Sainik School?

RIMC allows admission in class 8th whereas Sainik Schools allows in class 6th & 9th only. RIMC admits approx 25 cadets every 6 months whereas Sainik Schools admit around 100 students in a year.

What is RMS and Rimc?

The Union ministry of defence has proposed to allow girl students to be admitted to Rashtriya Indian Military College (RIMC) and Rashtriya Military Schools (RMS).

Can I join Rashtriya Military School after 10th?

Unfortunately you can’t join RIMC after Xth standard. Here is the detailed admission and eligibility criteria. Approx 25 cadets are admitted every six months. Candidates should not be less than 11.5 years of age or must not have attained the age of 13 on 01 (Jan) or 01 (July) of the term they join.

What are the benefits of studying in Army school?

An opportunity to study in Military Schools is the right choice for students as well as, parents desiring all-rounded development and progressive schooling.

  • Soldier for Life:
  • Leadership:
  • Discipline:
  • A Career Like no other:
  • Excellent Academic practices in Military Schools:
  • Military Schools Teamwork:
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What is the benefit of RIMC?

Rigorous training makes them physically fit and mentally strong. Students are enriched with a sense of responsibility, quality, self-dependency. Participation in extra co-curricular activities, hobbies, and interests will help in their transformation into a constructive and productive life.

How many Rashtriya Military College are there in India?

five Rashtriya Military Schools
Established in the year 1925, these Schools are among the oldest Public Schools in India. There are five Rashtriya Military Schools (RMS) located at Chail in the Shimla Hills of Himachal Pradesh, Ajmer and Dholpur in Rajasthan, Belgaum and Bangalore in Karnataka.

What are the benefits of Rashtriya Military School?

3-Rigorous training provided to students after joining Sainik School, RIMC, Military School make them physically fit and mentally agile. Due to initial stage training at young age their officer intelligence rating and values are empowered. Students being fit and agile get the best training at the crucial stage of life.

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Is RMS for girls also?

Girl students can now take admission in military schools — Rashtriya Indian Military College (RIMC) and Rashtriya Military Schools (RMS)– the Ministry of Defence said.

What is the fees of Rashtriya Military School?

School Fees : During present academic year i.e. 2020-2021 total fee on new admission is Rs. 1,05,698/- (Gen/Def) and Rs. 1,04,198/- (SC/ST) per annum is payable in advance or two half yearly instalments in June and October .