
What is the difference between nil and null in Swift?

What is the difference between nil and null in Swift?

The difference is that while NULL represents zero for any pointer, nil is specific to objects (e.g., id) and Nil is specific to class pointers.

Is null the same as nil?

Nil is used to represent a null pointer to an Objective-C class. NULL is used to represent a null pointer to anything else. All these, happen to have the numeric value of 0. They’re all zero, but “NULL” is a void *, “nil” is an id, and “Nil” is a Class pointer.

What is a nil value in Swift?

In Swift, nil means the absence of a value. Sending a message to nil results in a fatal error. An optional encapsulates this concept. An optional either has a value or it doesn’t.

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What is the difference between nil and none in Swift?

Answer : There is no difference. Optional. None (. None for short) is the correct way of initializing an optional variable lacking a value, whereas nil is just syntactic sugar for .

Why does Ruby use nil instead of null?

3 Answers. Well, “nil” is the traditional name for the reified concept of “nothing” in Lisp and Smalltalk†. The word “null” is used as an adjective meaning “empty”, as in “the null list,” which is nil. Meanwhile, “null” is traditionally a pointer value in C that signifies the pointer doesn’t point to anything valid.

Which is correct nil or nill?

Saying nil instead of zero or nothing is much more common in Britain than in the United States. In the U.S. you might hear a tennis score include the word nil, while in the U.K. it’s a common term for cricket and football scores as well. Nil is a contraction of the Latin word for “nothing,” nihil.

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Which is correct Nill or null?

Nil is mostly used for game scores. But younger generations are often replacing it with the word “nothing”. Null is often used in business and legal matters.

Is nil false in Swift?

nil , NO , false , and 0 are falsy, while @[] , @{} , @0 , and @NO are truthy. Ruby is mostly good, allowing only nil and false to be falsy. I prefer Swift’s absoluteness strictness to Ruby’s behavior. Consistency is good, but even better is utility.

How check object is nil or not in Swift?

“how to check object is nil in swift” Code Answer

  1. if let variableName = abc { // If casting, use, eg, if let var = abc as? NSString.
  2. // variableName will be abc, unwrapped.
  3. } else {
  4. // abc is nil.
  5. }

Should I write nil or none?

If you have no response for a question, put “none” or “nil” – do not draw a line or write “n.a.” or “not applicable.” If you fail to answer all the questions, this could create problems with your application, so remember to have an answer for each question.

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What’s the difference between nil and none?

As determiners the difference between nil and none is that nil is no, not any while none is (archaic|outside|scotland) not any; no.

Is nil null in Ruby?

Nil means nothing/nonexistent. Ask Matz. It’s not different. Just a guess: Ruby is very lisp-like and nil is a value in lisp.