
What is the difference between RTI request and appeal?

What is the difference between RTI request and appeal?

There is fundamental difference between RTI Request and RTI Appeal. RTI Request is filing application for the first time. Appeal is only filed when the citizen is not satisfied with the reply of PIO or PIO rejects citizen’s request for information.

How many RTI appeals are there?

Section 19 of the Right to Information Act lays down two stages of appeal, the First Appeal is to be made to the appellate authority and the Second Appeal lies with the Central Information Commission or the State Information Commission, as the case may be.

Is there any fees for RTI appeal?

As per RTI Act, no fee has to be paid for first appeal. The applicant/the appellant should submit his/her mobile number to receive SMS alert. Status of the RTI application/first appeal filed online can be seen by the applicant/appellant by clicking at “View Status”.

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What is first appeal in RTI?

First Appeal is the statutory remedy available to the RTI Applicant, when there is no response from the Public Information Officer within stipulated time limit or the decision of PIO is not satisfactory or the PIO offered / supplied incorrect / misleading information or demanded exorbitant further fee etc.

What is second appeal in RTI?

The Commission has powers to adjudicate an appeal filed under section 19 (3) of the RTI Act and order for providing the requested information when the same has not been provided at the level of Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) or the First Appellate Authority.

What do you mean by second appeal?

The decree/ judgment passed by any appellate Civil Court in the first appeal can be challenged by way of a second appeal before the High Court. If the case involves a substantial question of law . The second appeal can be filed even against an exparte decree/ judgment of the first appellate court. Grounds.