
What is the easiest way to learn one word substitution?

What is the easiest way to learn one word substitution?

How to be expert in one word substitution?

  1. Reading newspapers and magazines to improve your vocabulary up to a great extent.
  2. Attempt online test series, mock tests and previous year papers regularly & rigorously.
  3. Play English word games like cross-word puzzles or other games that can enhance your vocabulary lists.

Does vocabulary repeat in SSC CGL?

Most of the exams like SSC-CGL, IBPS PO, CAT, GRE Exams demand a vocabulary test. It has been seen that most of the words that come in the exam are oft-repeated. Hence, learning the words that came in previous years exams will get good grades in the exam.

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What is the one word substitute?

What is One Word Substitution? One Word Substitution simply means using a specific word replacing a wordy phrase or sentence and making it shorter, concise and clearer to understand. This way, the word becomes identical with the sentence thus providing the same meaning as the wordy sentence.

How can I improve my vocabulary for SSC?

Here are some important tips to master the vocabulary given by experts:

  1. Read Newspapers/ Editorial Articles.
  2. Bookmark the Difficult Words.
  3. Attempt Previous Year Question Paper.
  4. Attempt Daily Quizzes and Mock Tests on BYJU’S Exam Prep.
  5. Relate the Word to other Words.
  6. Create Your Sentences.
  7. Record Your Voice.
  8. Use Mnemonics.

How many one word substitution questions are there in SSC CGL?

SSC CGL Important 50 One Word Substitution Questions: We have compiled for you 50 most important One Word Substitution Questions that have maximum chances to come this year in the SSC CGL English Language and Comprehension Section. So start practicing these questions to ace the SSC CGL Exam this year.

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What is a one word substitution question?

A One Word Substitution question requires you to replace a sentence with a single word. However, remember that while doing so, you must not change the exact meaning of the sentences.

How to substitute words/sentences without altering the meaning of the words?

Choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentence and blacken the appropriate rectangle in the Answerer sheet. Out of the given alternatives, select the option which can be substituted in place of the given words without altering the meaning.