
What is the effect of saturation on synchronous reactance?

What is the effect of saturation on synchronous reactance?

Saturated Synchronous Reactance With the increasing excitation, the effect of the saturation decreases the value of synchronous impedance and hence the values of the synchronous impedance beyond the linear part of the OCC are known as saturated synchronous impedances.

Does saturation increase or decrease the value of the synchronous reactance of a synchronous machine?

As the machine saturates, synchronous reactance falls. Synchronous reactance at a given field current (or excitation voltage) can be estimated from the gradient of the open circuit voltage and short circuit current curves.

What is saturated reactance?

Saturated reactance is calculated on the basis of (1) actual open circuit characteristics i.e. the one showing some degree of saturation (2) short circuit characteristics which is a straight line. The reactance so calculated (saturated reactance) is therefore not constant but decreases with field excitation.

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Why saturated synchronous reactance is less than unsaturated synchronous reactance?

As alternator core iron gets saturated, rate of rise of open circuit voltage with field current decreases. On the other hand, short circuit current keeps rising linearly with field current. Therefore, synchronous reactance (Xs) decreases as core gets saturated.

What is synchronous reactance?

The Synchronous Reactance (XS) is the imaginary reactance employed to account for the voltage effects in the armature circuit produced by the actual armature leakage reactance and by the change in the air gap flux caused by the armature reaction.

What is synchronous reactance of alternator?

How is synchronous reactance of synchronous generator determined?

  1. R a = Armature resistance.
  2. X s = Synchronous reactance ( X L + X a )

What is synchronous impedance of alternator?

Answer: The synchronous impedance of an alternator, for a given armature current, a given field excitation and normal speed, may be defined as an impedance, which, if inserted in a separate external circuit, would permit the same flow of current, with an impressed pressure equal to the open circuit voltage.

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How do you calculate synchronous reactance?

What is meant by synchronous reactance?

What is synchronous reactance of a generator?

When the armature reactance is combined with the leakage reactance of the machine then, it is known as Synchronous reactance or Direct axis reactance. The machine offers synchronous reactance at steady state! Elaboration: When a sudden short circuit occurs for a synchronous generator operating under open circuit condition.

What is the steady state of a synchronous motor?

The steady state or stable operation of a synchronous motor is a condition of equilibrium. In it, the load torque is equal as well as opposite to the electromagnetic torque. The rotor of the motor runs at synchronous speed in the steady state condition, maintain a constant value of the torque angle δ.

What is the hunting process in a synchronous motor?

The Hunting process occurs in a synchronous motor as well as in synchronous generators if an abrupt change in load occurs. The steady state or stable operation of a synchronous motor is a condition of equilibrium. In it, the load torque is equal as well as opposite to the electromagnetic torque.