
What is the eligibility for DGCA exam?

What is the eligibility for DGCA exam?

Course Details & Eligibility The candidate must have passed 10+2 examination in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics from a recognized board or university or its equivalent. A candidate must be at least 16 years of age at the time of admission. A candidate should not have colour blindness problem.

How do I prepare for the DGCA technical general exam?

There are the hard exams conducted by DGCA. Technical general consists of mechanical and electrical systems of aircrafts. Air navigation deals with safe navigation of aircraft, calculations associated with it, instruments to be used, etc. It is better to apply any one at a time and prepare fully using Oxford or Trent study materials.

How hard is it to crack the DGCA exam?

DGCA, the authorised organisation to conduct pilot training exams in India, is strict in maintaining quality of cadets and so exams are made a little tough to crack. However, we are providing a systematic plan to crack them easily. Plan to appear for the exams like this and you can surely pass the exams.

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How often does DGCA conduct exam for air navigation?

DGCA conducts exams once in every 3 months. keep on checking the website of DGCA to stay updated and most probably from August onwards DGCA will be conducting tests every month. One more thing DGCA may change the question pattern of Air Navigation.,so pass the paper asap because you may face some difficulties when you appear first.

How to approach the DGCA papers in the least manner?

You can be asked any random question in oral and it truly depends upon the Government official who is taking your test. So above is the gist of how you can approach the DGCA papers in a least manner Provided you must have quality study materials with you. Give your best for just 6 – 7 months you will get rid of DGCA papers.