
What is the fruit start with letter G?

What is the fruit start with letter G?

Guava. Guava Fruit [ Image Credit: Wikipedia ] One of the most common tropical fruits that start with G, the guava is yellowish-green in color, which can turn completely yellow when ripe. The guava is known for its health benefits and is often used to make jams and juices.

What is a fruit or vegetable that starts with H?

For example, there are a lot of vegetables that start with this letter including the heart of palm, horseradish, hakurei turnips, and more….Here are your results – Vegetables that start with H.

Hamburg Parsley Horse Gram Haricot Beans
Heart Of Palm Horseradish Heirloom Tomatoes
Hijiki Habanero Pepper Haricots

What is a fruit or vegetable that starts with W?

Watermelon is the very first fruit that starts with W. It is a vine from the flowering plant family called Cucurbitaceae.

Is Ginger a vegetable?

Ginger/Fruit or Vegetable

What are some foods that begin with the letter G?

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Related Questions More Answers Below. Here is a list of some foods that begin with the letter G: Garlic, garlic bread, garlic knots, ginger, goat cheese, grapefruit, green chicken curry, green peppers, gruyere, guava , green tea, green chilli, ground beef, gummy bears, gelato, gummy worms, gnocchi, grapes, gorgonzola, granola bars, graham crackers, gravy, grtis, guacamole, gyros, gumbo.

What fruits and vegetables begin with the letter G?


  • Ginger
  • Gooseberry
  • Granada
  • Green apple
  • Green onion
  • Green peas
  • Green peppers
  • Guava
  • Guayaba
  • What are some vegetables that begin with the letter G?


  • galangal root
  • garbanzo
  • garden rocket
  • garlic
  • garlic chives
  • ginger
  • golden samphire
  • good king henry
  • grape
  • What vegetable starts with G?

    Vegetables that start with G. – Garlic Chives grow in clumps and are Native to China. Garden egg: hairy upright herb native to southeastern Asia but widely cultivated for its large glossy edible fruit commonly used as a vegetable. – The garden egg is known as a great source of vitamin B1.

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